Back Home in Canada

Don’t you love when this happens?

I go into “travel mode”: silent and spacey.  I won’t have much memory of today.

Airports are a pretty secure place, you can let your guard down and wander around glued out.  My thinking is no one’s going to do anything super stupid in a closed system.

This has bewildered me for a decade.  

Here’s the horizon of Washington DC, and the arrow is pointing at… an Egyptian obelisk?!

Placed in the the heart of it all? Painstakingly shipped from Egypt and resurrected?

Not just here though, there’s a similar set-up in Paris, New York City, London, and my favourite… the centre of the Vatican. Figure that one out.

Nice to be back in Canada, nice to have Internet on my phone again.

Big week ahead.  Not going to tell you too much (you know how jinxy I am), but send good luck.  Thursday we’re going to test drive the new Ford Escape, I have to retrieve my bike from where I stored it in December and totally forgot about that till last week, and lots more.

TTYT, here’s to a great start to your week!



The Most Nature Ever Seen On My Blog

It’s gotten much more consistent around here eh, my best for certain.  After 5 years of videos and 3 years of blogging, I think finally have figured out a system, and almost have the hang of running it. Exciting for sure!

I’m managing my time better, getting less burned out, finding a balance with my new 5-blog-categories approach, and I still have the same amount of passion that I started with in 2007, which is a lot.   I’m feeing good.  The next step is to add money, start selling some real estate around here.  And look into the auto-journalist avenue.  I’d like that.

Anyway, that’s what I’ve been daydreaming about this weekend.


My Weekend is the Opposite of Vegas

Look, nature. And a tiny town.

When in a new place, the first thing I do is get a local paper. Now I know what’s happening, just happened, and get a feel for the type of people and place.

In this paper I found a gun flyer, a train that de-railed and spilled coal everywhere, and above is their annual Summer Fair. See, opposite.

I’m still in America btw, home soon.

It’s been a great, quiet restful weekend. Hope you can say the same.

Got bit by a bee.  And video edited.

Have a great Sunday!



Things from My Week in Vegas

Some outfits.

I always visit the jewellery stores, one of my only material weaknesses.

This line is a favourite.

Check out the lineup to see Batman 5 days after it opened BOOM. Had the theatre to myself. Review: I loved it.

It’s the only superhero story I like, because he is a normal human who turns himself into more.

I gamble on only two games: ‘Wheel of Fortune’ slots, and video poker.  Video Poker has maybe the best odds in the casino.

Look at the purple circle first column, the rule is: you want a 9/6 machine, then an 8/5, don’t bother with anything lower.

I’m good at the latter, but really, it’s just pattern recognition.

I have in my head a whole life-strategy-is-like-video-poker-strategy-there’s-many-parrells-video in my head to make, there really are.

One of my favourite nights was Thursday Night #NotSurprising (if we are just meeting, I say it every week because it is: Thursdasy Night is the best night of the week).

That’s right, silence! It’s ridiculously hard to find here.

This is the penthouse of a casino off the strip, where check THIS out :O

How is that even possible at a casino? Where are the insurance people?

Then, oh THEN there was a pool table. I love to play pool.

And I played some of the best pool of my whole life.

I couldn’t miss. Not even being dramatic, it was Hollywood movie shots I was making happen. After one particularly amazing combo I yelled, “you guys are getting this, right?!”.  I was the zone.

And that’s it, Vegas tada the end.

Never been a fan, but I seem to always end up here; that’s 14-ish times now.  Here’s a post from last year.

Vegas, to me, is: over-the-top-over-stimulating, this shiny delusion that brings out the entitled dbag side of people, and just, excess is gross.  But it’s the world’s conference centre.  See you again soon I’m sure.



I Slept for 2 Straight Days

No dramatics; since Sunday night almost straight through till now. Needed it. I feel like my normal self again.

I didn’t spend all week partying, and still Vegas sucks it out of you. It’s over-the-top over-stimulating. I bet if you lived there, your life would pass by far too fast.

Like my new jogging pants? I went with a lighter grey this time.

Blog posts coming soon:

– Black Hat & DefCon
– finding silence in Vegas
– Apple’s first ever talk at Black Hat / iOS Security
– my trip to Vegas – includes GPS map of my Saturday night that’s awesome

Hope it was a good Tuesday, TTYT!