Friday Night Catchup Hi Hi

Sorry for missing the last update here.

It was a lot of in-real-life stuff this week, the stuff that keeps the online part going (except email, so much email).  It’s a tough balance sometimes, between – making the life happen, and blogging about it.  I’m at the point where I’m genuinely ready for an assistant.  But I don’t yet make enough to pay someone, and I don’t like free, so sigh.

There’s so much to do here at KeriBlog,   Like, the 2 most basic funtions of a website, search and comments, don’t work here.  How bad is that, SO bad. This entire site needs to be rebuilt, I don’t know how to find the time, do I shut it down for a week and do it?  My stomach physically hurts sometimes about it #That’sBlogging.  I have the theme picked out, and a skeleton built, but porting it over is serious and ugh kay I’m done, thanks.

Now I’ll embed a bunch of photos from this week, no time to format.  I’ll catch you up this weekend, I have two articles to finish first.

Have a great Friday night!

xo Keri


PS – this is my latest ” OCDing Out To” song.  Anything I’ve written in the past week, has been to this on repeat.



This is a Sunday Update

4 years ago today I joined Twitter, the same bot tweets me this each year.

9,172 total tweets.  That’s 2,293 / year, or 191 / month, or 6 / day. I speak less IRL.

Here comes the cold, EH.

When I came home from the US last week, I brought the remainder of a store’s stock, of these amazing new plates.

Stopped by a party on Friday.

Later that night.

Look fast, I’m in a hipster hat.

The bartender opend up the table for me, a nice Saturday night surprise.

Had one of those, “how did I not see that coming” moments.

Here’s a photo of my desk right now; I’m trying something new: I moved my system,to the right.

I don’t know why I feel compelled to blog photos of my desk.

Turned on my first Android this weekend, see the white Galaxy III there? Hooooly customizable.

Picking up the new 2013 Honda Accord tomorrow, in manual at that.

Busy week ahead, a lot of writing to do tomorrow afternoon, and this week’s column is: if you’re going to the detail shop, do this. Some events to attend, coffee meetups, and I’m forgetting stuff.

Night, TTYT

xo Keri


Things from My Week in Vegas

Some outfits.

I always visit the jewellery stores, one of my only material weaknesses.

This line is a favourite.

Check out the lineup to see Batman 5 days after it opened BOOM. Had the theatre to myself. Review: I loved it.

It’s the only superhero story I like, because he is a normal human who turns himself into more.

I gamble on only two games: ‘Wheel of Fortune’ slots, and video poker.  Video Poker has maybe the best odds in the casino.

Look at the purple circle first column, the rule is: you want a 9/6 machine, then an 8/5, don’t bother with anything lower.

I’m good at the latter, but really, it’s just pattern recognition.

I have in my head a whole life-strategy-is-like-video-poker-strategy-there’s-many-parrells-video in my head to make, there really are.

One of my favourite nights was Thursday Night #NotSurprising (if we are just meeting, I say it every week because it is: Thursdasy Night is the best night of the week).

That’s right, silence! It’s ridiculously hard to find here.

This is the penthouse of a casino off the strip, where check THIS out :O

How is that even possible at a casino? Where are the insurance people?

Then, oh THEN there was a pool table. I love to play pool.

And I played some of the best pool of my whole life.

I couldn’t miss. Not even being dramatic, it was Hollywood movie shots I was making happen. After one particularly amazing combo I yelled, “you guys are getting this, right?!”.  I was the zone.

And that’s it, Vegas tada the end.

Never been a fan, but I seem to always end up here; that’s 14-ish times now.  Here’s a post from last year.

Vegas, to me, is: over-the-top-over-stimulating, this shiny delusion that brings out the entitled dbag side of people, and just, excess is gross.  But it’s the world’s conference centre.  See you again soon I’m sure.



Build a Better Bridge

I see weak bridges every time I play.

I don’t understand… how can the cue travel straight if its one contact point is wobbly?


Plant your fingers firmly, spread equally apart, strong and engaged.

The cue runs through a valley you make for it between your thumb and forefinger.


Try it out. You never want to be seen with a weak bridge.


I'll Always Love Playing Pool

Played the other night.

See how straight I’m lined up?  That’s good form.  Years of gymnastics pays off in the strangest ways.

I should film my token chalking-the-cue move, it’s overly-dramatic.

This is how d-bags rest their cues.

I’ll re-embed my jump shot video, this is my 2nd-ever KeriBlog video.

After the intense-ness of Canadian Explorer, this felt wrong to post, and took me staring at the upload button for 20 minutes: it’s only 8 seconds long… took only 9 minutes to edit and render… this feels really wrong.

Here’s an older post about pool, some of my likes.

Hey I should make a ‘Pool’ catagory here on KeriBlog….. and done.