A Plain Post Title on This Sunday Night

Sorry for the lag in the blog the last couple days… Friday was non-stop everywhere, and I’m still figuring out how to balance writing this blog, and writing for the paper… the newspaper side comes with a commitment and a boss, but the blog side is why I have that stuff in the first place, and I need an assistant so bad holy crap.

Friday morning was headshots for the paper.  That’s Dan Barron in the blue, and photographer, Michael.  Welcome to my blog, guys!

I joined Dan at Autonet.ca, he writes great stuff read it here, and Michael is a long time Sun guy, and this is cool, Artic canoe-r.

This was also cool last week, the below photo Tweet.  Hello, I’m in Windsor now! Thanks Chuck.

But. BUT. Look at the asterisk… that’s not the correct name,

my column is called, ‘Keri on Driving’, no gender glyph.

I saw this coming, remember the big eyes right before signing the contract? Didn’t see the woman sign coming though, ugh.  It’s technically the sign for Venus, but it wouldn’t be my first choice, ever.  But that’s the price: less-to-no control.

A lazy afternoon drive.

Think I’m going to have to buy a car, guys.  

It’s too much, transit from Markham to Mississauga when swapping out cars, that’s a 100km & 3 hour investment.  I’m going to starting looking into finding a $1000, manual, 1990’s something.

This week’s flowers.

Fancier than all previous weeks, eh.  That’s becuase those are congratulations flowers, thanks missy ;)

Ya buddy.

And that is your Sunday wrap-up.

Here’s to a great start to your week, xo Keri




Got Stuck in Some PVC Pipe Yesterday

It started in the plumbing section of Lowe’s, pretending to be a robot.

Everything went west when I made robot fingers.

We put grease everywhere, created a shim, nothing.  The Lowe’s guys stayed gentlemanly.  Actually, if roles reversed, I’d probably have made more fun of me.

The final solution was a hacksaw, between the silver piece and the tube, pink arrow.

I was making a video during the sawing, and of all the times for my phone to freeze. Also, now I know PVC gets really hot when you saw it.

This was worse than when I invented, ‘Tactical Jewelry‘, aka, ‘Budget Cartier Love Ring’.

I am so dumb.



Sunday Night of the Long Weekend

Look, not the city. To have a car again, be mobile, you don’t even know. I never talk about it because why, but ya.

Been wearing this dress a lot, no more white anymore as of Tuesday. I’ll probably wear it again tomorrow.

Cut all my articles out, made an area on the fridge. Those magnets are special.

Finally got around to a little craft project.

It’s two sheets of fancy wrapping paper.  Much cleaner eh, de-clutters the whole space because now the eye moves passed easily; that’s good decorating.

And yesterday was spent driving shifter karts, which I gave it’s own mini-post LINK, because it was like, the best day of my life.

Talked on the phone.

I still love talking on the phone, I know that’s unpopular these days, but you can’t beat synchronous communication.

Hope your holiday is going great, enjoy tomorrow!!

National holiday traffic is bad, stay sharp;

lots of people who don’t often drive are out.

xo Keri

Now I will hit publish.



Back to a Blonde Bob

So happy seriously SO HAPPY.

Maybe you noticed in past posts, how I cut the top of my head off in photos. That was not accidental, I abhorred my hair.

It’s because remember in July when it was breaking off, and we had to give it a rest, and do this?

Looking back on old photos, and especially when I re-built my sidebar earlier this week, woah I was missing it. 5 years I’ve had bright blonde hair.

Enough time had passed for my hair to heal itself, and today… tada!

Now things are back to normal around here.


Beautiful new machine, Brennen! 2,800km in 6 weeks huh, as it should be.

The end of September he’s headed on a road trip across the continent, and he’s going to Instagram the whole thing, follow along @BrennenDemelo or click here.

Best blonde in Toronto. Go too.

316 Adelaide St West
(416) 301-1072


Take Your Profile Pic 1 Hour Before Sunset

I like my current one, but summer is over. It’s the serious months of the year now (Sept – Nov), and you should be able to see my eyes.

So yesterday I made a new one, here’s how to make a nice one, too.

Re-read blog post title.  That’s because sunlight is most beautiful then, the “magic or golden hour”.

Think when choosing your setting, people will zoom into the background. I chose a conference room, and all the gear I need to produce and publish this video blog, is on the table behind me. Nice touch I thought.

Push your shoulders down and back, otherwise you have no neck:

Chin way out, like a turtle.

If you feel awkward and uncomfortable,

you’re doing it right.

Looks dumb IRL = looks great on screen.

Too close, need more perspective.

Notice I slightly stretched the photo out lengthwise?  Classic Hollywood trick: every human looks better stretched.

Humans don’t look their best straight-on.

Turn your cheek slightly left or right, about 30 degrees.  I’d recommend left, studies show most humans’ left side is prettier.  I’m not making this up.

Hold the camera at 45 degrees.

Look directly into the lens.  There is a huge difference on screen, if you look even the tinniest bit not in the centre.

Not so blankly this time.

(shoulders should be square to the camera (I forgot this step) (these are my real eyes, not contacts)).

Got it.  Not done yet.

Resize it into a square. Then filter it.

My latest favourite app is Picfx: automatically makes it a square (good for Instagram), and there’s 100 filters. Below took minutes.

Top right: don’t blow it out like that, everyone knows that trick and what you’re trying to do.

Now upload it to the 5 major sites social networking sites you use, your sidebar, I am not doing this again till November.