Sunday Night of the Long Weekend

Look, not the city. To have a car again, be mobile, you don’t even know. I never talk about it because why, but ya.

Been wearing this dress a lot, no more white anymore as of Tuesday. I’ll probably wear it again tomorrow.

Cut all my articles out, made an area on the fridge. Those magnets are special.

Finally got around to a little craft project.

It’s two sheets of fancy wrapping paper.  Much cleaner eh, de-clutters the whole space because now the eye moves passed easily; that’s good decorating.

And yesterday was spent driving shifter karts, which I gave it’s own mini-post LINK, because it was like, the best day of my life.

Talked on the phone.

I still love talking on the phone, I know that’s unpopular these days, but you can’t beat synchronous communication.

Hope your holiday is going great, enjoy tomorrow!!

National holiday traffic is bad, stay sharp;

lots of people who don’t often drive are out.

xo Keri

Now I will hit publish.



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