It’s Thursday Night, Have a Good One

Big-night-out-city-girl here.

After I publish this, it’s onto the last draft of next week’s column, “About Funeral Processions“. Earlier this week, I spent an afternoon chatting with funeral directors, they were a surprisingly funny bunch.

This happened today – the paper added a new section to our website,

Bottom right.

“Featured Author”, and a link to my latest article, permenently above the fold, nice.

Tomorrow will conclude the first 2 weeks working at my new job. Think I’ll be ready to blog all about it by end-of-the-month.

Because blogging something, it’s like, it makes it official.  It’s hard to explain, I’ll add it to the videos-to-make list. Basically though, the message is, “the internet keeps you accountable“.

I am loving it, to be clear.

It shows in my desk dancing.

desk dancing

I hope you desk dance, too.

Dismantled the ‘sticky note epiphany‘ wall.

Documented them all, here are some.

Clockwise from top left:

  • based on last year’s study of time to successfully execute a new years resolution, it’s best to start a month early, and have a semi-rhythm happening by the end of the year
  • “insurance is the cause of so much dumbness”.  Insurance sucks the fun away
  • “put blog in music”. Might do a security post about that. It’s part of my never-ending quest to avoid the cloud.

Found this shot of me driving Nissan’s Hybrid Pathfinder, when I blogged the Nashville story yesterday.

Nice change from the grainy selfless I usually post, eh.

So grainy. Like I blogged before, I still wonder if these phone camera lenses have built-in degradation.

Counter-argument is I probably take way more photos per day, than the average user. And like, imagine the wear & tear from one car show…

Hope it’s a good Thursday Night, best night of the week.

kk I have to go write, I’ll cheers you TTYT



I’m all Deer-in-the-Headlights to Film

I have 300 videos online, 8 pages of topics ready to go, and still I’m freezing up. Dumb eh.

So back to 2007 where this all started – me by myself, talking to a camera on a tripod.

I’ve been making garbage videos:

film review delete, film review delete.

First, I reminded myself of the physical actions of making a video.

Painting my toes red.

Move to the next level: speaking, blablablaing to the camera.

In real life, I speak very little.  Here I am talking about how I don’t like talking.

I really don’t.

The irony is, I’m pretty good at it.

Best way I can describe this feeling…

… as soon as you’re done reading this paragraph… hold up your phone, video on. State your name, location, speak passionately for 1 minute about anything, and upload it to YouTube. Then, Facebook & Tweet the link with this text, “I made this video, go watch it”.

That anxious feeling that’s now in your stomach, it’s that.

I’m too animated, talk too much with my hands, speak too quickly.

Reviewing the footage yeah, I can see it, but I’ll only slow my speech down a little. Because I figure: if you can’t absorb at that speed, you’re probably not going to like my stuff anyway.

Also noted while reviewing, wow, that is not the face that started 7 years ago.  Sigh. I can’t get away with it anymore, I’m going to have to learn to use makeup.

Last summer I bought my first eyeliner, world’s oldest tomboy here. No dramatics, there’s 12 year olds better at makeup than me.

Pro tip – everyone looks good at this angle.

You know though, making and editing video of yourself is a strange but rewarding experience. I’m more self aware because of it.

If  you ever want to take a good, cold look at yourself, make a video of you interviewing someone. I have a whole theory about this, it’s on my Mega Video List.



The World Starts Up Again Today

Everyone’s back to work, school, normal.  

I milked the holidays right to the end: jogging pants and quiet; mainlining garbage TV online; too much food and drink; long drives for no reason except I like driving. More of this.

A New Year Planetary Update – we kicked off 2014 with a new moon on the 1st, then on January 3rd there was a meteor shower, the Quadrantids – 1 of the 3 richest showers of the year.

Below are a few photos, but there’s not much to report so far this year.  So far.  This is going to be a big year, I can tell… I’m about to get a big dose of ‘careful what you wish for’. Can’t wait.

Here’s to a strong start to your new year!

xo Keri


One of the last photos of my ponytail. Ponywhisp.

Started to use Facebook more, friend me.

I pick up a minivan today.

I went to 3 different places, they all looked like this.

It’s probably because of this blog tag – jogging pants.

BFF hang.

Ahh Casie xo

We built our blogs together. Are you following her? You ought to –

Got my file structure in order for the near year.  It included this annual blog event, ‘Make a new Picasa Photo Folder Using the New Year’.

Seems meaningless, but as a professional documenter, it was, a moment.

Now to do this.




The Sidebar is Looking Pretty Great, eh?!

Have you noticed the beauty?  Big blog doings, since the Sidebar is the Essence of a Blog

The new sidebar, now with:  less placeholders and more widgets; a new bio with a current photo; the return of ‘This Week’s Car’; drop down menus and multiple search bars, rotating photos, come ON

I’m being dramatic, it’s okay, it looks like nothing, I know.  But that’s 14 hours straight, no dramatics, eating at my computer, it was a Saturday, my shoulder was burning, no wonder I procrastinated so hard.

But two weekends ago, remember the big storm?  I was supposed to be travelling, so my whole day got cancelled, so I settled in, bit the bullet and built it.

I also made 50 more Sidebar Art pieces.

There’s an accompanying spreadsheet, each leads to a different post. They’re not installed yet though, just the prep work is done.

After these are live, there’s one more batch of sidebars to make, ‘Car Reviews’… I guess I can link up about 30 reviews.

After that’s done, the next project is ‘Pages’.

Have you ever clicked a link in the top nav bar?  Don’t.

Made a couple headers too.