Hello, An Update

Been a busy May, eh.  Can you believe it’s mid-May ugh.

Let’s see…

Went to a Toronto FC game recently, always a great time beacuse it’s a loud and rowdy crowd.

Learned that soccer is called, “the beautiful game”, because once the clock starts it doesn’t stop, so therefore the game is always contained to two hours. Unlike football, which has so many stops and starts I practically died of boredom last year and left early.

Box view:

Got a haircut, this time Matthew from Brennen Demelo Studio. He just returned from Berlin Germany, where he was furthering his education,.

That’s one of the best parts about this place… you can go to any stylist there if your regular isn’t available, and everything will still come out amazing.

What else…

Oh, I got this idea in my head a few weeks back…. I’d like to be a Toronto tour guide atop a double decker bus, spouting off into the microphone facts about the city and Canada. You do not even realize how much Canadian facts I have here in my head.

I’d film the entire experience of course, and then ideally I sell the video to some tourism outfit which promotes Toronto, and this is just one of a million ideas I have everyday and WHERE IS MY ARMY TO HELP ME EXECUTE IT ALL???

Now please give a warm welcome my new music sponsor, Capo Productions!

Royalty-free music is pricey and important. Did you know  YouTube uses a robot to scan the audio on your video as it uploads, determines if you are  using a song you don’t own and flags your video for further analysis?

Thank you Fred, I’m pumped about this!

Here’s some noteworthy technical things:

From top left to right:

– I’m quite proud of that pie chart, specifically the yellow chunk… this is the average time spent on my blog.  35% of visitors spend over an hour here. So thank you for pushing play!

– I think the private cloud market will explode soon, and have been thinking to invest in it

– there’s something you don’t see everyday, a red light on the side of a Macbook, my Macbook.

– that’s my Klout score, holding at a solid 50, not bad not bad. See how it says I’m an “activist”? I like that.  It got many of my “influential about” topics correct (McDonalds, ha), except for ‘Keri Hilson’, I’ve never typed her name ever?

Kay that’s a long blog post, TTYS.

Let's Talk About 'The Canadian Explorer'

If we are just meeting you may not know that I had an internet show for 3 years and 80 episodes called The Canadian Explorer.

I believe Canada is THE best country to live in but, not since the 70s have we had a nationalistic fervour, so I set to celebrate Canada in effort to change that, and it was awesome.

I was CBC’s inaugural made-for-web show, got up to some hijinx, and worked my way up to an accredited journalist for Canada’s largest independent broadcaster when they shipped me out to the Olympics to cover them for Sun Media and Canoe.ca.

Then I realized I got as far as one girl can on her own (I did everything myself… shoot, edit, produce, and I’m all self-taught) and decided to shut it all down on a high note.

And that’s where Episode 80 comes in.

It’s a highlight reel episode I’m in the midst of editing, summing up three years of my life into one video.  And not gonna lie, I’m finding it tough.

It’s a lot to squish into 8 minutes eh, your past three years.  Plus it’s an end, which is never easy.  Every single day all for all that time all I thought about was this project, everything I did furthered it.  I have over 15 000 hours in it yup.

For example – see all this Canada stuff:

In the past I would have collected a few items, some for further episodes, some for thank you gifts for ones I’d filmed, some for a random Canadian fact I could use to blog about.

I know SO much about Canada… you know what I was thinking would be fun?

To get together with a tour bus company and have them drive me around while I yell facts from the top of their double decker bus.  Of course I would make a video, “Keri’s Canadian Tour of Toronto”.

Because I am a great Toronto tour guide.

Anyway, here’s what editing Episode 80 looks like, and click here to see more screenshots of what editing looks like, it’s neat.

PS – here’s the Google result for “the canadian explorer” AHAHAHAHA ha.

Exploring a Thunderstorm with Jay

This episode is from when Jay Goldman and I got together to film something for The Canadian Explorer, and this is what came out.

At the time Jay had an awesome internet show too, Mr Mobile.

Sorry about the nicks in the audio, this was before I learned about adding those little sound smooth guys in between cuts.

My car shook for 2 days.

Buy Jay’s Book! Facebook Cookbook which is in the O’Reilly Collection

(non-nerds: an O’Reilly book carries clout, they’re like, tech bibles)

Here’s Fantasy Farms

Here’s some stills from the episode.



Lost My Shoes in the Imperial Sand Dunes

It’s because I took off running down a hill, and they just got swallowed up. Wasn’t for lack of looking… if you drop something out there, the end.

Return of the Jedi was filmed here. I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars.  

I filmed here; it’s going to be weird to edit, because it’s all just two blocks of colour.

Being surrounded only by desert has been on my to-do list since I’m little. Check.

Oh, this is Arizona.