Google Result for 'The Canadian Explorer'

There I am among those mighty explorers!

That second row photo… of all the photos to rank YES that one.

When I saved this screenshot, I named the file: CDN Explorer Search BOOM

Wait it gets better… the top photo is me exploring… my new haircut HAHA those guys trekked cross country forever… and the bottom photo is another “here’s my hair” post.

Here’s the Google search.

Hair by Brennen Demelo

One more thing.. for the longest time last year when you searched ‘KeriCDN’ the first image was a …. FinalCut file HA.

In serious though, my stuff is a mess, all of it.  It needs a good spring cleaning.  Before I do that I’ve been mulling over a video, documenting just HOW bad it is… it’s probably wrong I find it so funny.

If You’ve Never Blogged…

There are 3 things to know:

1 – Bloggers have good work ethics and problem-solving brains

2 – They spend a lot of time alone; it’s a solitary endeavour, blogging

3 – It’s the invisible in-between stuff that is most frustrating

If ever you see two people finding out the other also blogs, and they exchange a sort of nod, this is what they’re nodding about.

What’s the invisible in-between stuff?

Kay, let’s post a slideshow.  I need one for my new professional photos, thanks Suzy.

First, I need some software to make one. Start researching what works best with WordPress.

Looks like, of all the internet, there’s two real contenders. So choose one, download then upload the plugin, learn it, insert the code.

You might break your own site:

Back and forth between the help file, Google searches and the software. We’re over an hour by now.

Now the photos are too giant and need resizing.

They won’t open in your budget Photoshop version, so find a workaround, which no way will support batch-editing that would be ‘catching a break’, so one by one here we go…

By now you’ll likely look and feel like this.

Oh what?  YouTube has stopped working?

Set the slideshow aside, this needs to be fixed right now… (go ‘Get Info’ on Safari in your Finder and choose 32-bit, restart Safari).

Back to the slideshow… check test refresh…. check test refresh….. check test refresh….

All to post photos and talk about …. yourself.

This is what’s behind the blogs you visit, so now you have a better idea of what it takes to post whatever it is you’re looking at.

The end.

PS – don’t forget… that’s great your post is done and looking good, but if no one sees it, what’s the point?  And and aaaaannnndddd………

PPS – I lost the edited draft of this post and had to write it twice. Oh irony.

Just a Minute – What Video Editing Looks Like

It’s really coming along, and I cannot WAIT to show you this one… some of my best work yet.

Here’s the other part of what video editing looks like… a LOT of files:

My computer’s Finders keep crashing (both in the last 10 hours).

Below is the Final Cut file for the above video, ha.

You know when that happens… when like, everything accidentally lines up perfectly, your fingers freeze over the keys, you slowly go Command-S, back away from the keyboard, hands over head.

Just a Minute – The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth

My theory on the meaning behind the old saying, “the meek shall inherit the earth”.

Unrelated: I don’t know why YouTube has started cutting off the end of my videos f-ck, but if you do please advise.

EDIT Jan 25 – I figured out how to stop that – add a 3 sec slug to the end, then you win.

PS while I’m here… points for such a ridiculously over dramatic video still can I get a whatwhat