70% of The Weekend I Looked Like This

While looking at this:

Non-nerds – you’re looking at a brand-new, pristine WordPress site. I’m going to port KeriBlog over when I’m finished building it. Comments will work again, one analytics log-in instead of 5, ONE SIDEBAR oh guys, so happy.

The red AI – that’s After the Deadline: an artificial intelligence based spell, style, and grammar checker.  Check the * box to be warned when your writing is too passive. Seriously.  While in Washington in January, I met one of the developers who wrote it; he was funny.

And I’m repeating myself, but AI and mind control and thought-power, it’s coming. It’s closer than you think. This huge shift of the last 5 years when the world got online, it’s nothing compared to what’s around the corner.

The other 30% of this weekend I looked like this.

Friday night.

People-watching with a beer on a street is one of my favourite things.

Saturday night.


Found this awesome FinalCut filter.

This week’s flowers.

They smell like cloves. If your home smells like fresh flowers, that’s classy.

Here’s to a great start to your week, go kill it!

See you online.



Did You Know the Planets Aligned?

I’m not being dramatic like, “ooooo the planets must’ve aligned, Billy, you’re on time”.

They physcially actually did.

In May 2011, six of them lined up, visible from Earth with a naked eye, look:

(image via BestSyndication.net)

Do you even know how rare this is?

For most of May they stayed in line along the path the sun travels each day.

Why is this so interesting?

Because this planet configuration was predicted by the Mayans to occur… December 21 2012.

Yup, the infamous 2012 theory.  Astronomers say no such alignment will occur next year.

Basically the Mayans were 19 months off in their calculations, but when considering they did them thousands of years ago, I’d call that pretty close.

Think this news is all fringe, and maybe you’re rolling your eyes?  Time Magazine wrote about it.

I’ll leave you with this:

My 2012 PredictionThought Controlled Computing Begins (Declared Feb 1 2011)

PS – Want more proof I’m not alone? InterXon, the world’s leader in thought-controlled computing (and a Canadian company), is a headline keynote at Canada’s largest media conference this week, the Banff World Media Festival.


Such a Nice Saturday! This is My Face!


Finally some sun this week eh, least it came on the weekend.  Buds are out on the trees now – proof of spring.

And isn’t this parking spot confusing?

I didn’t get a ticket, , it’s on Bathhurst and Niagara, now you know.

I’m blogging here while this song is jammed in my ears, then going to kick around downtown this afternoon.

Went to a Chilean Wine Tasting at the Spoke Club Tuesday, hosted by Notable TV. They’re soon launching in multiple Canadian cities, and if you live there, go attend their events, they’re great.

There’s footage of me saying something like that, “I like these things because it’s a good crowd, no douche bags”. I probably shouldn’t go on camera after tasting wine on an empty stomach.

It’s Pam, Casie and Karly! Always good seeing you, ladies.  Here’s Casie’s (better) blog post about the event.

Then we snuck out, Irish Goodbye as she calls it.

In other news, next weekend we’re hosting CUTC – the Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference, pumped.  This crowd will like my Skynet jokes, ha.

And that’s right, thought computing!  It is the future, you heard it here first.

You’ve heard me go on and on about it over the years…. like in My 2012 Prediction and other times when I’ve blogged about Canadian company InteraXon… one of the world’s leading thought-control-computing companies.

They were at the Olympics last year, fast forward to 0:43 below and I’ll explain them a bit.

It’s UFC day!

I’ve had it in my calendar forEVER. Definitely more excited for this than yesterday’s wedding.

The best part won’t be the actual event, it’ll be the aftermath…. everyone hopped up on testosterone and adrenaline, rolling outta there thinking they’re GSP… the city’s gonna be nuts tonight.

Kay getting offline now, TTYL!

Have a great night

xo Keri

Just a Minute – My 2012 Prediction

The short answer – 2012 will be the year that mind control begins.

Roll your eyes, it’s coming for you.

The toy I’m talking about is the “Mindflex“, see it below. Dying to try it.

Indeed I do feel strongly about this… isn’t the first time I’ve blogged this prediction of mine, click here for a blog post over at my show, and here for when I talked in a video about the Canadian! company InteraXon.

Specializing in “thought controlled computing”, they invited people at the Olympics to control a large scale light installation with their minds, come ON.

Unfortunately I never made it to the pavilion to give it a shot. Because in my imagination my concentration knows no bounds and I make the lights explode with my miiiiiiind.