Did You Know the Planets Aligned?

I’m not being dramatic like, “ooooo the planets must’ve aligned, Billy, you’re on time”.

They physcially actually did.

In May 2011, six of them lined up, visible from Earth with a naked eye, look:

(image via BestSyndication.net)

Do you even know how rare this is?

For most of May they stayed in line along the path the sun travels each day.

Why is this so interesting?

Because this planet configuration was predicted by the Mayans to occur… December 21 2012.

Yup, the infamous 2012 theory.  Astronomers say no such alignment will occur next year.

Basically the Mayans were 19 months off in their calculations, but when considering they did them thousands of years ago, I’d call that pretty close.

Think this news is all fringe, and maybe you’re rolling your eyes?  Time Magazine wrote about it.

I’ll leave you with this:

My 2012 PredictionThought Controlled Computing Begins (Declared Feb 1 2011)

PS – Want more proof I’m not alone? InterXon, the world’s leader in thought-controlled computing (and a Canadian company), is a headline keynote at Canada’s largest media conference this week, the Banff World Media Festival.


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