I Own Very Little But…

… what I do own is good quality.

My system: buy properly once, spend the extra money, then use it for years.

That’s the key to this system, though – not needing new, and never buying it.

(of anyone to have a Gucci fanny-pack… tag = fanny pack)

(Car guys: it’s an Audi A8)



It’s Been a Great Christmas Break

I slowed the pace way down and have accomplished little, it’s been nice.

A lot of jogging pants, too much food, lots of daydream time, no newspaper deadlines for a week, zoning out to garbage on the internet, big screen TVs and ordering food. Doesn’t take much to make me happy huh.

I’m also wrapping up my “2013 Christmas BFF Tour“, so a lot of laughing, cackling, and home cooked meals.

I’m driving a 2014 Chrysler 300 C AWD.

I have it the whole holidays too, 2 weeks. I like this thing. Review coming in January.

This photo by Suzy.

Champagne and making lists.

Productive fun.

Really. My BFFs are mega-nerds too.

We swap stats, charts and blog tricks, one stop on the tour included a Power Point presentation.

My beloved nerd herd.

I installed all the new sidebar art. Each section should now refresh about 10 new times.

Still more work to do over there, but good enough for now so onto the nav bar now, and the ‘About’ pages.

The week ahead: it’s back to usual at the newspaper; try to finish up all blog renovations here; a couple short road trips; and film a few videos, brush the rust off.

And get a haircut. Inches gone, past my chin, a short bob.

This year, I’m taking this first week of the year to ramp up, then be ready by the 6th, as opposed to what I usually do, full steam ahead on the 1st (Wednesday).

Because after studying the rhythm-of-a-year,  then drilling down to the rhythm-of-a-week (documented here), there’s no point in going against the flow. With new year’s day falling on a Wednesday, no one will switch their brain on until Monday, a week from today. 

TTY Thursday, have a great New Year’s!

xo Keri


PS – I got another job today! Starts in the new year. It’s a good one. Not ready to share just yet. But guys, guys!

kk bye



Happy New Year

I’m pretty jinxy about the way I start a new year, like, it sets the tone for the year ahead. Start as you mean to go on.

The last 5 years: 

Have a few possibilities lined up for tomorrow, not yet sure which I’ll choose.

Here’s to a strong start to your new year!
Wishing for you a happy one.




The Sidebar is Looking Pretty Great, eh?!

Have you noticed the beauty?  Big blog doings, since the Sidebar is the Essence of a Blog

The new KeriBlog.com sidebar, now with:  less placeholders and more widgets; a new bio with a current photo; the return of ‘This Week’s Car’; drop down menus and multiple search bars, rotating photos, come ON

I’m being dramatic, it’s okay, it looks like nothing, I know.  But that’s 14 hours straight, no dramatics, eating at my computer, it was a Saturday, my shoulder was burning, no wonder I procrastinated so hard.

But two weekends ago, remember the big storm?  I was supposed to be travelling, so my whole day got cancelled, so I settled in, bit the bullet and built it.

I also made 50 more Sidebar Art pieces.

There’s an accompanying spreadsheet, each leads to a different post. They’re not installed yet though, just the prep work is done.

After these are live, there’s one more batch of sidebars to make, ‘Car Reviews’… I guess I can link up about 30 reviews.

After that’s done, the next project is ‘Pages’.

Have you ever clicked a link in the top nav bar?  Don’t.

Made a couple headers too.



I Had a Slipped Disc for 6 Weeks

This is the first time since November 3, that I can turn my left to the right.

Remember I blogged that emergency physio appointment I had to make?  Been hurt since then.

I’m naturally really bendy, and I could barely tie my shoes. For the first time ever, I wanted automatic test cars over manual ones. Did the LA Auto Show like that, that was woah.  Longest I’ve ever been hurt in my whole life.

And back problems woah like, really?!?

Getting old is garbage.

I actually went _back_ to the doctor, last week. Yes Keri it’s screwed, and no there’s still no remedy except stretching.

Then it popped back into place on Sunday, only Christmas present I wanted thank you.

That I can do this again, so happy. Still not healed enough to kick over though. Still sore.

Both appointments confirmed another suspicion, too – my legs are different lengths. I think my hips are crooked.

I figure that’s the last 6 years slumped at a laptop, catching up with me. You can see in the blog header, the one I’m flipping backwards, my arms are uneven, because my hips are off.

Added to 2014’s list of things to do – straighten out my act.