Search Results for: extravaganza

Enter to Win #KeriChristmas Giveaway Extravaganza

Over $200 of gifts can be yours!

Behold this beautiful bounty.

Highlights include:

JD Honey – I take this to parties, because it’s really new and a guaranteed crowd pleaser

Marks Work Warehouse – Functional AND fashionable, which is why I like ’em, Mark’s will be keeping your hands and feet warm with their 100% Canadain awesomeness

Nella Bella Bag – Another Canadian company, made in downtown Toronto, that has reinvented classic, and in a vegan fabric to boot

Chobani Yogurt – This is America’s #1 Yogurt and has just arrived in Canada, and you’ll be on of the first to try it because you’re going to get a dozen delivered to your door.  No fat, actual real ingredients, created by passion woah just realized: almost all the companies are family-run here NICE.

A 9-step pouring kit from Stella. There’s an art and methodology to pouring a Stella.  I’ve been trained in it actually, and can pour you a perfect pint, then level the foam with much flourish.

To Enter: tweet the hashtag #KeriChristmas

Winners will be drawn Monday at 3pm

(PLEASE NOTE: I’m sorry, but you have to be in Toronto to win, because I have to drive it to you, unless you wanna drive here, that’s cool too)

My blog brought me a ton of fun stuff from great companies this year, and I wanted to share with you, that’s what’s happening here, because I appreciate you stopping by my blog, and thanks for pushing play.

Leaving for Targa NWFLD Rally in 36 hrs, Freaking

In 36 hours, I’m going to compete in Canada’s biggest rally race, for which Nissan has outfitted me with a car, kit AND support staff for both logistics and mechanics, I know nothing about this sport.

My only rally experience was a few months ago, when I got to do the Mazda Adventure Rally. Where I won the Daniel Boone Award, for being last to return to base every. single. day.

But then I think, it’s okay, there is really only one thing to know:

Don’t crash the car Keri, do not crash this car.

Plus my life’s still unsettled from the move.

There’s more to this owning-a-house thing than you think going in, eh. Still don’t have furniture, think my washing machine is broken, and I’m nervous to leave my house alone for the first time.

Then my mind just seized up, and for the last 45 minutes I’ve been pacing between the laptop, and an open suitcase… GUYS.

That’s all I have packed, but the decals came out amazing, good and thick. The Decal Zone made them.

First time I’ve held my URL IRL

And my hair is looking great, thanks Kaila! Brennen Demelo Studio. Go too: 416-301-1072

My Itinerary

Tuesday – day off blogging, deadline at newspaper, finish ‘Auto About’ page, forgot to buy things and other errands

Wednesday – fly 12 pm, team dinner

Thursday – Day 1 of Rally Racing School

Friday – Day 2 of Rally Racing School

Saturday – don’t know

Sunday – official practice day, thankful this day exists

Monday – Friday – RACE 7am – 5pm, 6pm auditorium meet & greet, dinner, study next days route book

Took time off from the newspaper, blog will be updated daily, will try for lots of video.

My helmet arrived Friday.

It’s been modified -a microphone and ear-plugs, to a plug out the back that I connect to a radio, to talk to my driving partner.

kk I feel more normal-brained now, blogging it helped. Blog. Because of this blog, here we go on a once-in-a-lifetime $30k race car extravaganza. Got goosebumps typing that.

Starting Wednesday afternoon,
I’ll be living in another world for 10 days.
TTY from there, then!

Where this post came from.

And the good luck gift I got myself: Targa shoes.


Facebook – Keri CDN

Blog tag – #NissanMicraTarga

I’m car # 1998.



Saturday Night Big City Girl

Hi hi from home. I’m being quiet, blogging, listening to a radio feed coming out of a dance club in Woodbridge.

Whirlwind week woah #w

That’s it guys, 2013 is OVER. More detail on why here, but basically: everyone mentally checked out this weekend, the next 2 weeks are spent tidying yearly loose ends and Christmas parties, then blink it’s New Year’s, then here we go again.

Wanted to make it a good-end week, and it was: my KOD column mini-series on speeding tickets went over well; sold a big blog post; not to jinx it, but this editing help is going ok; confirmed, my new upscale jogging pants can be worn anywhere; my inbox is zeroed; and congratulations to a good ending for OOK Incorporated.

Closed my laptop lid last night at 9, been quiet ever since. Phone is on silent face down, lots of time in my couch nest, did a ton of Life Admin, and daydreamed the day away.

Imagination time is so important,
that’s where this all comes from.

Looked forward to making this all week – a real-life collage.

Ahhh making collages is so soothing, as I’ve said.  This is for a security post.

Painted my nails.

Tried something I saw online – first, cover your fingertips in glue -> paint your nails -> peel away the mistakes -> reveal a crisp manicure tada.

Nope, finicky and way too time consuming. Back to the old system – paint nails -> Brillo pad off mistakes > add clear coat.

Hey remember that video, about painting my nails, “Dropped & Caught my Nail Polish“?

Probably not, because my point is, that video surprised me how poorly it went over. Here, I’ll re-embed it.

Come ON.

Yes my otherworldly reflexes, but mostly, that this moment was caught on camera.

Filmed a Michelin tire drive event on Wednesday – race up to a plastic pad covered in ice, and fly around, nice.

Even found time this week to crush it at the casino.

Still have a video in my mind:

“How video poker strategy, is similar to a strategy that’s used to win at life”

Worked on my dance skills.  I actually quite love to dance. I invented a style years ago, been refining since.

Bottom left not bad symmetry, top right needs to be tighter, and bottom right oh, where has my back arch gone.

Imagine if one time, at a party…

Shuffle quietly across the floor, sneak a nod to the DJ, he mixes in a 20-second beats boom beats, out comes a whirlwind routine that includes flips aaaaand end POSE hold 1,2, melt away.

Me this week.

mmm may be wearing that fleece too much.  Blogging makes you notice things.

Next week ToDo’s includes booking cars into the new year, and finalizing my 3rd Annual Christmas Extravaganza. I figured out my exact plan on Tuesday, hard part is done, now to put it into action. Next week’s column is about data mining with Google, about how we shop for cars online. Oh and have to do my taxes, they’re due soon friendly reminder.

kk that’s it, TTY Monday, have a great rest-of-weekend.



Filling You in on the Last 5


Last week ended a test of blogging – a fresh page everyday, Monday-Friday. Test was successful, that is do-able, confirmed. Unfortunately it was derailed Thursday, when my computer melted and that took proiority (back up running by Friday night). Still.

This was Friday night.

Friday nights often look like this; I just can’t talk anymore, and have to be still and quiet.

That’s next week’s blog on paper.

One of those posts is titled, “The Rhythm of a Week“, because I think I figured it out. And according to it, there’s about 10 days left in 2013, get going.

Saturday hockey game.

The Marlies defeated the someone, and there were lots of laughs.

I know! Blue! Not black.

Been evolving my look. This weekend I peppered my wardrobe with a few Forever 21 sweaters.

The key to cheap clothing: seam-ripper out the zillion tags, trim the ton of loose threads, and forget washing it.

can’t keep showing up to stuff in jeans and combat boots (even though it’s a very functional, and therefore productive outfit).

Basically though, I’m just girly-fing that look…

… they’re still boots, but with heels, but they’re sneaker heel, like that.

I have got to get planning this years 3rd Annual Keri’s Christmas Extravaganza.

Last year was this, $3,200 in total prizes.

Never again so many prizes, toooo much logistically. Here’s the link, in last year’s video I’d been awake for 50+ hours.

This year I’m thinking one big prize, the end. Leave what you’d wish to win in the comments. I’ve always wanted to give away a car for a week.

Next footage to be edited.

And Niki is swooping in to freshen my hair tomorrow xo, before I leave for the LA Auto Show Tuesday.

Thanks Brennen Demelo Studios.

Have a strong start to your week, and see you online.



Things I Found while Purging

Come on, I’ll show you some stuff.

Went through a big Ann-Margret phase. I’ve seen her 3 times, the last of which she hugged me.  I can do the song and dance to Appreciation from ‘Viva Las Vegas’.

Look where the bottom ticket is – Minot, North Dakota ahahah omg. Here’s an old blog post about that story.

I write myself letters, to be opened in the future.

Party photo booths.

Remember that time I threw myself a Blog Party? Looking back, kind of a weird thing to do. But it was 2009… different time different internet.  I wanted to bring my blog into the real world, take if offline.  Same for the recent Extravaganza giveaway… how much can my blog actually move?  More than I thought.

Why did I use a period instead of exclamation point after ‘party’?

Statement of fact:  you have been welcomed.

The raffle prizes were items seen in episodes of my show. It was cooler than it sounds.

Original header of my first blog,

Hi Suzy!

Graduating university.

Remember that time I was president of a cycling team for 5 years? Ha.

Meet my team – we were scrappy, and won a lot.

From New Years 2010, I went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Am a bit infatuated with them. Look at all the ones & zeros below, ha.

I’d totally forgotten about this, this is neat.

In 2008, I was picked up by CBC and became their “inaugural made-for-web show”. Below is the pitch document, written by my bosses, when they tried to get me a job there permanently.  This is all them, none of this is written by me. This experience was a big lesson about this business.

Because to keep me there, the money  had to come from the ‘entertainment’ budget, so that’s where the storyline of me finding myself came from, to justify it.

I didn’t like that part… there’s no finding, I’m right here.

I wanted to keep it documentary style, about the subject first, me second.  I argued, I lost, and I wouldn’t change one thing about anything, it all worked out correctly, genuinely mean that.