Search Results for: couch

I am There on the Arm


I finally got home from my day, 7:45 jogging pants on, then I was that ball for a bit. By the time Friday arrives, I’m over-stimulated. Hi from the couch, and, for the first time I’m blogging from my phone. Not opening my laptop till tomorrow.

Great week, even got a nice high note ending, and mostly I have nothing to say so am babbling, but I said I’d update Monday – Friday, so that’s what’s really happening here. Fridays must be better planned; I think I did as weak a post last week.

kk shhh ahhhh quiet time now. To daydream.

Have a great weekend, and TTY here on Monday, and Twitter / FB until then. Yup, look at me opening up xo Keri

Now There’s 50 Fridays Left

And that’s the 1st real week of 2014 done.

Had to jam in a lot in today, I think I need to plan my Fridays differently.  Next week’s column is about diesel engines, and booked a trip, we’re off to Arizona to test Heavy Duty Pickup Trucks with GM!

I towed a bobcat before. First week at my new job under my belt. Went well. Website consulting, community management stuff, still shy.

Just hit send on my last email, this quick hi hi to you, and then shhhh silence.  I’ll cheers you with my usual end-of-the-week beer, if I make it off the couch.

TTYT xo Keri



Saturday Night Big City Girl

Hi hi from home. I’m being quiet, blogging, listening to a radio feed coming out of a dance club in Woodbridge.

Whirlwind week woah #w

That’s it guys, 2013 is OVER. More detail on why here, but basically: everyone mentally checked out this weekend, the next 2 weeks are spent tidying yearly loose ends and Christmas parties, then blink it’s New Year’s, then here we go again.

Wanted to make it a good-end week, and it was: my KOD column mini-series on speeding tickets went over well; sold a big blog post; not to jinx it, but this editing help is going ok; confirmed, my new upscale jogging pants can be worn anywhere; my inbox is zeroed; and congratulations to a good ending for OOK Incorporated.

Closed my laptop lid last night at 9, been quiet ever since. Phone is on silent face down, lots of time in my couch nest, did a ton of Life Admin, and daydreamed the day away.

Imagination time is so important,
that’s where this all comes from.

Looked forward to making this all week – a real-life collage.

Ahhh making collages is so soothing, as I’ve said.  This is for a security post.

Painted my nails.

Tried something I saw online – first, cover your fingertips in glue -> paint your nails -> peel away the mistakes -> reveal a crisp manicure tada.

Nope, finicky and way too time consuming. Back to the old system – paint nails -> Brillo pad off mistakes > add clear coat.

Hey remember that video, about painting my nails, “Dropped & Caught my Nail Polish“?

Probably not, because my point is, that video surprised me how poorly it went over. Here, I’ll re-embed it.

Come ON.

Yes my otherworldly reflexes, but mostly, that this moment was caught on camera.

Filmed a Michelin tire drive event on Wednesday – race up to a plastic pad covered in ice, and fly around, nice.

Even found time this week to crush it at the casino.

Still have a video in my mind:

“How video poker strategy, is similar to a strategy that’s used to win at life”

Worked on my dance skills.  I actually quite love to dance. I invented a style years ago, been refining since.

Bottom left not bad symmetry, top right needs to be tighter, and bottom right oh, where has my back arch gone.

Imagine if one time, at a party…

Shuffle quietly across the floor, sneak a nod to the DJ, he mixes in a 20-second beats boom beats, out comes a whirlwind routine that includes flips aaaaand end POSE hold 1,2, melt away.

Me this week.

mmm may be wearing that fleece too much.  Blogging makes you notice things.

Next week ToDo’s includes booking cars into the new year, and finalizing my 3rd Annual Christmas Extravaganza. I figured out my exact plan on Tuesday, hard part is done, now to put it into action. Next week’s column is about data mining with Google, about how we shop for cars online. Oh and have to do my taxes, they’re due soon friendly reminder.

kk that’s it, TTY Monday, have a great rest-of-weekend.



It’s a Silent Saturday

Same as last night.  I’ll start talking again tomorrow. Need alone, imagination time. There’s a good chance I’m more accustomed to spending time alone than you.

Decompressing from an action-filled week, especially Thursday. I killed it harder than I have in a long time on Thursday. Made for a great setup for the best night of the week.

A huge highlight was being invited to Google.

Whole post coming soon, learned a lot about how people shop for a car.

It was a great day at work, and later my Viddy video account crested 400 followers, not bad given my following number ha.

There’s probably some videos you’ve not seen, because I’ve not yet blogged them here.

Still evolving my look.

Mostly I just bought dress pants.

My desk at the end of the week AKA what it took to accomplish everything (pretty minimal eh)

Picked up this week’s flowers.

If ever you need to calm me down, give me flowers to arrange, or a collage to make; so soothing.

My back is still out, but improving. My mind has returned to 85% normal functioning.  Usually I’d say 100%, but really trying to stay committed to testing out this new, slower way.

So today looks mostly like this.  Jogging pants, couch and Workaholics.

Holy crap that show makes me burst out laughing. Click the above link to watch all episodes.

About to make my big day outing to the dollar store, then going back to blog polishing and quiet. TTY, have a good Saturday night.


I Was So Quiet this Weekend

It was a very low-key weekend, didn’t go do or talk much.

I’m so glad the internet is moving more and more to 9-5.  The pressure to be sharing and publishing 24/7 is a weird thing, ask a blogger; it can feel like a lead cape.

Been thinking and visualizing a lot about my new assistant.
How if I had one, you’d have known sooner
about important things, such as…

… how I went to the casino on Friday night.

(I love casinos. ‘Wheel of Fortune’ slots is 1/2 of my favouirte games.
‘Jacks or Better’ video poker is the other; best odds in the house)

Or that I’d attended a great Canadian Club party the night before that.

You remember Casie far right, hey you xo! Couch soon.

(photo credit: Ryan Emberley)

If I had blog help, you’d have known that I was driving a Hyundai Accent last week.

And that my Saturday night looked pretty typical of many of my Saturday nights.

You’d have known that I’d done my bi-annual buy last week.  My shopping method is solid both in execution, and value; click here.

Nice crisp new jacket eh… I’ll show you it better in another post.

Becoming so professional, me.

I also dug around in a box under my bed this weekend, and hauled out spring clothes.

Might have that shortened.

And if I had an assistant, I’d have been able to show you this beautiful sight sooner… don’t you want to smash them so bad?

They make the most beautiful sound when they smash.

If ever you’d like to get me a frivolous gift, click here.

A blog helper.

I’m excited, ready, and going to kickstart the search this week.