Happy Long Weekend Offine

Hope you too took some downtime. I took off to see my BFF.

Played a Nintendo Wii for the first time.


My BFF can beat up your BFF.

If you need photos you need Suzy Lamont.

I’m having trouble putting into words why, because I’m so proud of her it keeps coming out in giant paragraphs. It’s just, I was there at the beginning, watched her self-teach herself to the top, people ship her internationally to photograph things, I wish I could list names, and more awesomeness that is not my news to tell, she’s just subtly dominating. This isn’t “BFF coloured glasses on” talk either, she’s it. Ok I got gushy again. Suzy gets the shot, because she gets it out of you.

“Photography is about capturing the moment. In that moment nothing else matters, and yet everything does.” – Suzy Lamont

Suzy Lamont – Facebook & Website

Click here to watch a video of her photoshoot for Trash Couture. The designer saw her stuff, and asked if she’d photograph their dresses. So she orchestrated this amazing shoot at an airbase.

Here’s another video of another photo shoot of the above photo.

Heather Haynes recently painted Suzy this beautifulness.

Suzy xo

This week’s car is a 2013 Civic Coupe.

I’m a fan of the Civic, you know this though. I’ve got a review about it in a few weeks.  This week my ‘Buick Encore Test Drive‘ article runs.

Replenished my jogging pants supply.

And that’s that.

Not my best storytelling post, I’m still a bit wiped guys, from last week. All is good. But need an assistant real soon like now.

TTYT – massive Auto Show posts coming.

xo Keri



Blog Break’s Over, Here’s What You Missed

Me typing a lot of things.

How sweet my place looked going into the Chinese New Years.

Looks like a hotel, eh!  All white and crisp.

My place would look good on Pinterest.

Found this little guy when cleaning; when I was very young, he came everywhere with me.

Stayed in a fancy downtown hotel.

It’s weird staying in a hotel in your own city.

Went around looking good in my hat.

I’ll probably make one of these my new profile pic, which is due to be changed.

Replenished my jogging pants supply.

Busy busy week!  For auto journalists, this week is like the Olympics.

The Canadian Auto Show kicks off tomorrow, and we’re live-blogging it for the paper’s first time (ScribbleLive!), and I have lined up a first-look at something awesome for you to see.

I filmed my first ever TV segment this morning, talking about the auto show on Sun TV, should be available to embed tomorrow.

That’s all I got right now, I have to start preparing, update my gear and practice more with ScribbleLive. I also set-up my Galaxy to use tomorrow, the one TELUS gave me.  I wanted to use my new BlackBerry, but Scribble’s not yet available for BB.  I’ve got a post started to tell you about the phone, short answer: the OS is solid, the upside-down-L gesture is efficient, and business people you’re going to love it.

It IS time to upgrade my phone though, this old iPhone 4 is no longer cutting it.

Look how grainy, that’s not good.

Night, TTYT



A Saturday Night Update

It’s a pretty typical Saturday night here, bubbly water and my laptop. I’m polishing this week’s column, which is the 3rd (and final) instalment in what accidentally turned into an Eco series. Here’s Part 1 & Part 2.

I’m also doing blog renovations, and cleaning up my accounts around the internet.

Plus cleaning IRL.

Tomorrow kicks off the Year of the Snake.

I’m almost done, except for this mess.

This is the latest song I’m OCDing out to; how is this not a radio hit?

Insert headphones and turn it UP.

Remember dance packing? Chinese New Year cleaning will look like this.

(that’s an old OCD’ed out song)

Had a great time at the FordBlue party last night. Not surprising, Ford always puts on class events.

The storm was fun, eh! Canada looks like Canada again.

It also allows me to wear some favouite boots.  Good to -75ºC.

My hair looks great eh, this is Niki’s best blonde yet. Thanks missy xo

She’s been perfecting “Illusion Hair”; I’ll detail it out another time, it’s clever. Go see her, too.

I’ve been cooking :O

It counts as cooking, I used heat.

This is from last week, but I look exactly the same right now #SaturdayNightUniform

I’ll leave you with what my desk right now, been a while since I documented it.

TTYL, have a great rest-of-weekend,

xo Keri


Happy Birthday Blog, You’re 4 Now!

On February 8, 2009 I launched my first blog.

It looked like this, and launched with 25 ‘The Canadian Explorer’ video episodes.

(here’s the post you can see: Work Last Night)

The photos aren’t great, because I started blogging with a Razr, ha.

Now it has morphed into this blog. Pretty neat, eh.

This post is mostly for documenting purposes.


I’m Shutting Down my Blog for A Second

Yesterday, I secured the necessary help in something long overdue – the re-building of KeriBlog.com. It’s renovation time around here.

This current version is popsicle sticks and tape. It’s so broken you can neither search nor leave a comment, the 2 most basic internet functions omg, nightmares literally. I’ve been linking everything up by hand for 8 weeks now, even the kitchen sink is busted. 800 posts need to be re-catagorized.

Tonight I created the new site, installed the new theme, and started in on the sidebar, so PUMPED. I’ve had the theme picked since the summer, it’s so stunningly simple.  It’ll be a nice crisp white, with classic blue links, and a sidebar even more beautiful than the one on your right.

Since I built KeriBlog in 2010, I’ve learned a lot and this version is going to be much better assembled.

And it’s time to fix my LinkedIn and Facebook, ever seen them? Some of the world’s worst. Made them their own post they’re so bad.

Also, I got more responsibility at work that I’m still getting a handle on, and another little job I haven’t told you about yet, couple other irons… I can’t do all of that well, plus spend the time re-building ‘About Me’ pages and rotating widgets…

… so blabla blog updates are paused for a week, until Tuesday February 12

Things need to be up and running looking good for the 14th, that’s media day at the Canadian International Auto Show.

My Valentine is Cars ha ;;) 

Find me still on Twitter and FaceBook (yes FB, I started slowly using it about 4 weeks ago), email anytime, and thanks for always checking in.


xo Keri

Until then, here’s a bunch of my face.

Two different eyes.