What it Looks Like when I Kill It

You know when you’ve been hunched over your laptop, headphones jammed in, deeply focused…

… then it all falls into place, and you got it to work?

I just did that.

Nooo, I can’t do magic.

Hit publish.



The World Starts Up Tomorrow

Perfect New Year’s weather eh.

Went for a drive.

Documenting me on today.

World’s Oldest Tomboy.

It’s not my fault that I look so good in a hat.

Hope you had a strong start to your new year today!

And with that, the end holidays are over. The world goes back to work tomorrow, it’s go time.



May 2013 Be Your Best Year Yet

Not to get all happy-crappy on you, but I mean it.

I’m pretty jinxy about the way I start a new year, I figure it sets the tone for the year ahead. Waking up hung over is never on the agenda.

Start as you mean to go on!

Here’s what I did the past bunch of years:

Have a few options for tonight, haven’t decided yet which one I’ll choose.

Thanks for always checking in, and here’s to a strong and productive start to you and yours.
