Driving Shifter Karts at Mosport

Best driving experience!  

130 km/h, inches off the ground, G-force = 5, want more.

Wrote a column about it.

My favourite line in the article:

… “It also serves as a wake up call to what 100 km/h actually feels like. With the technology in today’s cars, it’s easy to become complacent and forget that driving is really piloting a large, fast moving weapon.”

That above line is why I love driving so much.

The footage came out great eh; it was my first time using a GoPro.

Thanks for the duct tape security, Luke.

This is at the Mosport track.  Come on, I’ll show you.

Make sure to chew gum when you go; your teeth will try to smash themselves together.

Above is the end of the longest straight-away, braking and

downshifting hard, going into a hairpin, turn 5.

The owner and your host, Mike Salmon of SalmonShifters.com – 0 – 200 km/h in 6 seconds.  Welcome to my blog, Mike!

You will be bruised, because there is no suspension, you are the suspension.

My lower left back was blue. I’d have posted a photo, but there wasn’t time, because I heal like Wolverine :|

The engine is a 6-speed Honda 125cc.

Only place I know of in Ontario where you can do this.

If ever the opportunity arises for you to go karting, shifter kart or not, say yes – you’ll emerge a better driver.

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A Plain Post Title on This Sunday Night

Sorry for the lag in the blog the last couple days… Friday was non-stop everywhere, and I’m still figuring out how to balance writing this blog, and writing for the paper… the newspaper side comes with a commitment and a boss, but the blog side is why I have that stuff in the first place, and I need an assistant so bad holy crap.

Friday morning was headshots for the paper.  That’s Dan Barron in the blue, and photographer, Michael.  Welcome to my blog, guys!

I joined Dan at Autonet.ca, he writes great stuff read it here, and Michael is a long time Sun guy, and this is cool, Artic canoe-r.

This was also cool last week, the below photo Tweet.  Hello, I’m in Windsor now! Thanks Chuck.

But. BUT. Look at the asterisk… that’s not the correct name,

my column is called, ‘Keri on Driving’, no gender glyph.

I saw this coming, remember the big eyes right before signing the contract? Didn’t see the woman sign coming though, ugh.  It’s technically the sign for Venus, but it wouldn’t be my first choice, ever.  But that’s the price: less-to-no control.

A lazy afternoon drive.

Think I’m going to have to buy a car, guys.  

It’s too much, transit from Markham to Mississauga when swapping out cars, that’s a 100km & 3 hour investment.  I’m going to starting looking into finding a $1000, manual, 1990’s something.

This week’s flowers.

Fancier than all previous weeks, eh.  That’s becuase those are congratulations flowers, thanks missy ;)

Ya buddy.

And that is your Sunday wrap-up.

Here’s to a great start to your week, xo Keri




Remove the License Plate Brackets

Those plastic, flimsy things emblazoned with a dealership’s name… they have to go.

Favourite line:

… the worst offenders seem to be exotic car owners. Play a game today: spot an exotic withOUT one.

Looks sloppy and unfinished.


See how much better it looks when removed?
Clean, polished, finished.

Author of this week’s column, hi hi.

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