Ranking Canada’s Cities as “Pedestrian-Friendly”

A company ranks Canadian cities by their “walkability” scores:

  1. Vancouver (78)
  2. Toronto (71)
  3. Montreal (70)
  4. Hamilton (51)
  5. Brampton (48)
  6. Calgary (48)

For sure not my most interesting column.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

For a barometer, the highest-ranked city in the world is New York City, scoring an 88/100.


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Why All Bumpers are Starting to Look the Same

It’s not that our tastes are changing.

It’s because safety regulations now say a car’s front end must better protect a pedestrian in case of an accident, thereby limiting design and styling possibilities.

Read it online at Autonet.ca

Favourite line:

Put the phone down while crossing the street. Or use my trick and make eye contact with the driver. Because regardless of how the bumper is styled, it wins the showdown every time.

Cars hurt guys.

This all-new 2015 Chrysler 200, is a good example of such bumpers.


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Hey Pedestrians – Cars Hurt

It’s baffling to see… someone walks into the street without looking, head down and distracted… why make the driver value their life more than they do?

Favourite Lines:

Rights are not an invisible force field of protection.


33% of the time, the pedestrian is at fault of the accident.

(Related column: Back up, Pedestrians)


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