End of the Week Update

Hi hi – good weekend I’m sure.

Nothing earth shaking to report, quiet day today, slept in.  Errands, a little work, and did a cheap wardrobe refresh with some $10 dresses from Sirens. One of them is even not black.  Oh and I had the battery replaced in my car’s key fob, and the guy who did it had 2 thumbs woah.

kk here’s some photos from the week, talk to you Monday.


My old Canadian Explorer pin! It was on my friend’s bag when we met for dinner.

fake nice day.

It was at Canadian Tire’s spring media preview.

Jumped on their trampoline.

This is actually the Sound Academy.  The Docks.

My review of Chrysler’s 300 comes out next week.

Short review: big fan. Called it stately.

It rained shoes this week. A gift of fur-lined socks for my Hunters; winter footwear expanded ty k xo

Yesterday, I hit send on my last work email, 9:30, sat down to eat.

Cheers’d you.

Then went to blog, and couldn’t.

My first data block.

However, how this affects this Mon-Fri test I’m doing: my record is still stainless.  Bottom right is proof I made the deadline technically.

The problem was the data block from my service provider, which is interesting enough for its own post, coming Monday.



Wednesday blog technicality

Mega meh post, but at least now I still haven’t missed a day. I have 2 newspaper deadlines tomorrow, a grand finale moment is happening Saturday at the other job, and what is hogging all the memory on my laptop?

We’re going to a Canadian Tire event tomorrow where there’ll be a trampoline, and wrote the news on Autonet today, about VW’s Super Bowl teaser ad, which is well done. Monday’s news on “Charging Rage” did ok, Autonet.ca.

kk night TTYT

This week’s column.


New shoes arrived today.


New favourites.


Night from my disembodied head.


So I Blinked and Today Vanished

And I didn’t even swap cars today!  Woah this Monday. This 3 job thing is something.  It only works because they’re all in the same industry – automotive.  Which, I’m officially at 1.5 years of auto journalism now tada :)  No better industry to have landed in, I’m lucky.

This daily blogging thing, a pattern is emerging: night blogger.  Seems logical… do a very solo task at night, not during the day, that’s for talking and deadlines.  Gonna run with that this week: KB.com – updated daily M-F, in one chunk, at night.

This week’s car is my Jetta, Wednesday’s column is “About Funeral Processions”, and my Chrysler 300 review is out soon. Called it “stately”, as a compliment.

kk I have to get footage to my editor, I’ll finish the security and other posts tomorrow, because I blinked again, now it’s 9:17, and I forgot to eat xo TTYT

A few photos from recently.

Jetta milestone. That’s in miles, too.  284,000 km.

Blonde by Niki. Ask for “Illusion Head“.

Go too: 416-301-1072 Brennen Demelo Studio

Sooo, once you buy 1 pair of shoes online, and this vortex opens up, and sucks you into more shoes huh…

Discovered Heels.com. Ordered at 2am, and by 10:30 they’d been shipped. That’s good and bad eh.

But last ones in my size, an impossible size.

This hat! Forever this hat.

Canada Goose gave me the hat, for when I covered the Olympics in video in 2010. OMG that felt so weird to type. 4 years ago now, exactly.

Went buying on the weekend, at Vaughn Mills Outlets.  That place has been my go-to mall for years.  Like, $250 reduced to a sensible $50, in & out in 45 minutes.

2 new black skirts = 2 new bases

One work, one fun, both with sneaker heels, done.

And always more jumpsuits.



I am There on the Arm


I finally got home from my day, 7:45 jogging pants on, then I was that ball for a bit. By the time Friday arrives, I’m over-stimulated. Hi from the couch, and, for the first time I’m blogging from my phone. Not opening my laptop till tomorrow.

Great week, even got a nice high note ending, and mostly I have nothing to say so am babbling, but I said I’d update Monday – Friday, so that’s what’s really happening here. Fridays must be better planned; I think I did as weak a post last week.

kk shhh ahhhh quiet time now. To daydream.

Have a great weekend, and TTY here on Monday, and Twitter / FB until then. Yup, look at me opening up xo Keri

It’s Thursday Night, Have a Good One

Big-night-out-city-girl here.

After I publish this, it’s onto the last draft of next week’s column, “About Funeral Processions“. Earlier this week, I spent an afternoon chatting with funeral directors, they were a surprisingly funny bunch.

This happened today – the paper added a new section to our website, Autonet.ca.

Bottom right.

“Featured Author”, and a link to my latest article, permenently above the fold, nice.

Tomorrow will conclude the first 2 weeks working at my new job. Think I’ll be ready to blog all about it by end-of-the-month.

Because blogging something, it’s like, it makes it official.  It’s hard to explain, I’ll add it to the videos-to-make list. Basically though, the message is, “the internet keeps you accountable“.

I am loving it, to be clear.

It shows in my desk dancing.

desk dancing

I hope you desk dance, too.

Dismantled the ‘sticky note epiphany‘ wall.

Documented them all, here are some.

Clockwise from top left:

  • based on last year’s study of time to successfully execute a new years resolution, it’s best to start a month early, and have a semi-rhythm happening by the end of the year
  • “insurance is the cause of so much dumbness”.  Insurance sucks the fun away
  • “put blog in music”. Might do a security post about that. It’s part of my never-ending quest to avoid the cloud.

Found this shot of me driving Nissan’s Hybrid Pathfinder, when I blogged the Nashville story yesterday.

Nice change from the grainy selfless I usually post, eh.

So grainy. Like I blogged before, I still wonder if these phone camera lenses have built-in degradation.

Counter-argument is I probably take way more photos per day, than the average user. And like, imagine the wear & tear from one car show…

Hope it’s a good Thursday Night, best night of the week.

kk I have to go write, I’ll cheers you TTYT