Hi From My Couch and Jogging Pants

Ahhhh end of the week, which went so fast woah. I have a lot to catch you up on, and to catch up on (I’m behind on eeeverything). Tomorrow.

For now, some silence and a sandwich, then a party later later tonight, which I will probably Irish exit after 90 minutes.

Have a great Friday night!

xo Keri



I Slept for 2 Straight Days

No dramatics; since Sunday night almost straight through till now. Needed it. I feel like my normal self again.

I didn’t spend all week partying, and still Vegas sucks it out of you. It’s over-the-top over-stimulating. I bet if you lived there, your life would pass by far too fast.

Like my new jogging pants? I went with a lighter grey this time.

Blog posts coming soon:

– Black Hat & DefCon
– finding silence in Vegas
– Apple’s first ever talk at Black Hat / iOS Security
– my trip to Vegas – includes GPS map of my Saturday night that’s awesome

Hope it was a good Tuesday, TTYT!



70% of The Weekend I Looked Like This

While looking at this:

Non-nerds – you’re looking at a brand-new, pristine WordPress site. I’m going to port KeriBlog over when I’m finished building it. Comments will work again, one analytics log-in instead of 5, ONE SIDEBAR oh guys, so happy.

The red AI – that’s After the Deadline: an artificial intelligence based spell, style, and grammar checker.  Check the * box to be warned when your writing is too passive. Seriously.  While in Washington in January, I met one of the developers who wrote it; he was funny.

And I’m repeating myself, but AI and mind control and thought-power, it’s coming. It’s closer than you think. This huge shift of the last 5 years when the world got online, it’s nothing compared to what’s around the corner.

The other 30% of this weekend I looked like this.

Friday night.

People-watching with a beer on a street is one of my favourite things.

Saturday night.


Found this awesome FinalCut filter.

This week’s flowers.

They smell like cloves. If your home smells like fresh flowers, that’s classy.

Here’s to a great start to your week, go kill it!

See you online.



#ThursdayNight Best Night of the Week

I say it every week.

What’s happening this week.



Specifically, I’ll be working on my sidebars.

You can watch them grow, if you refresh once and while.

Blogging About Food .com

This Is My Hack .com

Smarten Up Internet .com

– and here on KeriBlog.

Have a great night, TTYT