You NEED to Care About SOPA and PIPA

Very very basically:

Hollywood started all this.  They were all “waaaah, our movies are being pirated around the world and we want that to stop because we are greedy d-bags“.

So they complained to Congress, who drew up the two bills:

     SOPA – Stop Online Piracy Act

     PIPA – Protect IP Act.

If these bills pass, they will make our internet

like China’s – extremely censored.

CNET called SOPA, “an Internet death penatly”.

Watch this animated .gif from The Oatmeal, it explains it beautifully:




What about the smaller sites we all use to post photos, keep documents… what if they are wrongly accused and removed?  Goodbye to all your photos and digital life, and no, you’ll never ever get them back.

I predicted this last year, fast forward to 0:37.

We can’t vote in Canada on this, we’re counting

on you big time, American friends!

 January 24 – please vote.

Further Reading






The Good Photos Around Here are by Olympus

Olympus heard about my trip south, so they

stocked me up with cameras… thanks guys, a LOT!

It’s their new Olympus PEN Series. Think the quality and changeable optics of an SLR, but little and portable. Mine’s the E-PL3.

The accessories are endless, click here. It comes with a light out of the box, you carry in it that little velvet case, chic.

I really want this external microphone, because the PEN does video too. You click the red button at any time and boom, you’re recording video.  That is key, because you never miss what you’re trying to capture, since that’s the point.

First lens I’ve ever had.

First camera I’ve ever had that clicks aloud.

It has filters built in, in the “Art” setting.

This will reduce my blogging time,

And make more fun photos more fun to look at.

Everyone is winning here today!

I have no idea how to use a lens, and look how crisp my photos still are.

They also upgraded my 2009 Olympus TOUGH – waterproof, freeze proof, sand proof, does video at 1280×720, flash of course, and here’s the best part: you can stand on it  :O

No joke, technically two of me could stand on it and it’d still work.  That’s why I bought one in the first place; I’m hard on stuff.

Thanks for kitting me out, Olympus!



First Post from my iPhone

This is where I type out the post.

Let’s bold these three words. Easy.

What of I use quote?

Ahhh I put the text in here. Then I’ll keep typing to make this nice and long as to really see how a quote is displayed.

What will this do? Strike through im guessing

This one will be italic obviously

Wait there’s more?! Oh wow this WordPress app is amazing.

We’ve got underline, list, ordered list and a more tag, nice nice.

Let’s add a link. I’ll link up this. Phft easy.

Tags, categories, it’s all right here.

Kay that’s all that, now let’s add two photos, one I take now and one from my existing ones…


Oh this is amazing! Just add the text in between like this.

I have feeling that second pic will be far too large, let’s publish and see.

What a pleasure that was. I feel like I was living in olden times on my blackberry



What the app looks like.


I’ve Been a Geek a Long Time

Specifically since 1985 when I got my first Mac – the Apple Macintosh.

It had 128k of RAM, the computer you’re reading this on probably has 2-4GBs of RAM.  People built drafting programs, flight simulators, graphic programs with such little memory, think about that.

My favourite Mac of all time was the LC 575, that’s my only photo of it, yes those are lipstick kisses, and that’s its system software install disc.

A close second would be my Powerbook 170.

My worst computer by far was my Umax.  Remember that brief time when Apple allowed other companies to make the hardware and clones for their OS?  I despised mine, spent more time fixing it than I did using it.

Then when the iMac came out, and Apple gave out watches to test one at at their store. I wore that watch out.


Remember when crazy computer language started infiltrating our everyday conversations… BubbleJet, DotMatrix, Midi, WYSIWYG….

I kept that connector, might turn it into a piece of jewellery.


Dark Castle, 1986.

The world’s biggest floppy.

I originally had four, which I framed and displayed like art, then over the years I gave away three.

I have no idea what’s on the discs, they’re from a military base in the 90s. I should just say it holds a copy of the world’s first computer virus haha.



Things I Found When Moving

Highschool prom dress. Purchased at Value Village.

The best electronic organizer I’ve ever owned – a Palm V; it was aluminum and had a rechargeable battery.

I’ve had an electronic organizer for 22 years; this one was my first.

Terry Mullan was my favourite DJ way back when, Chicago acid house. Notice how his name is spelled differently on the tapes, analog times.

My teeth pre-braces, circa grade 11.

I wore these pants as part of my security guard uniform.  They’re 5.11 Tactical pants, and that’s funny.

I also wear 5.11s as winter boots, love them OH WAIT YES… I have the perfect photo of them from last week…..

I dropped my camera, and caught it in my boot, TADA.  Reflexes.