It's One of Those Books

Sorry I know, I said I’d update by now but it’s not totally my fault…

It’s a lethal combo – a rainy cold Saturday and one of _those_ books that must be inhaled, because that’s the only way to read it. If you are also a reader, you know what I mean.

I should be doing all sorts of things all over, instead I’m sherking and screening stuff, screwing my schedule. But such a book hasn’t happened to me in months, so I don’t feel that badly ;)

I’ll have finished it by tomorrow and will bloooog, but have a great Saturday night I have to go now! They were just arrested when they de-boarded the train in Europe :O

Oh it’s: “A Gentleman’s Game” by Greg Rucka

Bye! Xo















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Happy Rapture To You!

Can you imagine believing so strongly you’re getting zoomed up to the clouds at 6pm tonight, that you quit your job and sell your stuff?  And there’s millions of them.

But guys – if Jesus is such a great forgiving guy, how could he have it in his heart to be so choosy and opposite?  Dedicate a whole day to judging?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this CBC article.

Here’s the joke going around the internet, ha:


Probably those people just need a little KeriBlog, and maybe some Nyan cat, have you seen that yet?  Likely no, I probably like internet memes more than you.

You’ll love or hate it, no in-between.

I’m one of those people who has a spring fever, literally. I’m pretty sick.  My fever broke late yesterday, but I’ve been SO dumb for 3 days now. Fevers always do that to me.

What I look like when I’m sick ahahahahahaha:

Just finished this book, my first ever graphic novel.

Queen & Country by Greg Rucka

It stars Tara Chace, an SIS field agent sent worldwide in service of her government, and this series has been touted as a rare look “at the world of international espionage from a real-world perspective seldom seen in the realm of spy fiction” (back cover).

As in, they have no money and it’s not Bond-ish at all.

I really really liked this book.  I’d really really like to play this character in the movie version that’s in development.

Oh before I forget again, I should put the date of today in, for SEO purposes: May 21 2011 Rapture 6pm 18:00

I’m off to celebrate the birthday of one of my oldest friends in Toronto, happy birthday pal!

(that’s an old photo, here’s the original post ;))

Kay I gotta run!

Oh and if I’m wrong about Rapture, Happy Apocalypsing to You!

Here’s how to execute the best exit EVER from an over-turned jeep.

PS – World Planking Day is Wednesday, I can’t wait!  Don’t care that it’s old, it’s still funny.

900km in 24hrs

I don’t like missing out on things, so sometimes adventures like this happen.

Boarded a train. Saw this machine in the middle of Union Station (did you know there used to be a shooting range there?).

Started this book. So far so great.

Fatal System Error by Joseph Menn

Went to a party and then another with a lot of old friends, and now some new ones, many of whom pick me up when they hug me, which I love.

Tried this for the first time. Meh.

At 4am I got out of one car and into another.

Hi from Hamilton, it’s cycling race day!

This is the Good Friday Road Race hosted by Canada’s oldest cycling club – The Hamilton Club.

You can better see the course in my episode, Exploring Cycling, because I filmed from the back of the pace car.  It’s set to some beautiful classical music.

It’s a 55km race, average speed was 37km/hr, takes 90 minutes.

It was so cold out (and ya it’s April, but remember the good weeks in March? Also, watch my weather video for why it’s good it’s cold in Canada)

Waiting for the results. Sleep dep FTW.


WTG Nick and great team work fellas.

Came home to a home cooked meal even, then I slept for a while the end.

Exploring a Thunderstorm with Jay

This episode is from when Jay Goldman and I got together to film something for The Canadian Explorer, and this is what came out.

At the time Jay had an awesome internet show too, Mr Mobile.

Sorry about the nicks in the audio, this was before I learned about adding those little sound smooth guys in between cuts.

My car shook for 2 days.

Buy Jay’s Book! Facebook Cookbook which is in the O’Reilly Collection

(non-nerds: an O’Reilly book carries clout, they’re like, tech bibles)

Here’s Fantasy Farms

Here’s some stills from the episode.



An Original Online Bad Boy is Canadian – Mafiaboy

Mafiaboy – A Portrait of the Hacker as a Young Man

by Michael Calce
with Craig Silverman

In 2000 the hacker Mafiaboy brought down eBay, CNN, Amazon, Dell, E*TRADE and Yahoo!. Woah, I know. Big deal legal ramifications ensued, he’s totally white hat now, really great story.

Here’s the book’s website and here’s the Amazon link.

The @ symbol was used all the way back then 10+ years ago, preceding your name just like today: @KeriBlog

I’m kinda amazed that DDoS attacks are still the most effective, after all this time… but when I think more about it ,makes complete sense, but isn’t that funny in itself? All that advancement and still one of original tricks is the best.

Did you know Estonia is VERY wired, and the government declared internet a human right.

Just finished this book tonight.

I’ve got a list here of Just a Minute videos to do about online safety. Note the word safety, not security. I’m not an expert. Do not take my word for it, look it up.

Your online security is only as good as you make it.

It’s a big internet out there!

Change your passwords… because when was the last time you did?

Here’s a video about that.