Home Again, and Have So Much to Tell You 

About both the car (it’s a hit), and what happened to me on the trip.

But for now, bed.

It looks so glamourous from the outside, these press trips, but they’re gruelling with fancy food, really.   Not in a bad way, and not complaining, but yup.

Dramatic pants in Montreal.

I have a whole front page of half-drafted Micra posts to tell you about too, but the car posts deserve focus and concentration, neither of which I have right now.

As well as stuff that happened to me.

Like this.

That’s after scoring a goal on NHL goalie Jose Theodore (yes he was being kind on me).

Then, that already big moment led to something enormous, that will get its own post obviously.

Went for a walk in the rain tonight, to hunt down a copy of today’s paper, because it contains my column, as Wednesday is auto-section day.

Which is what inspired this:

Fact. Observed over years.

Blog tag = jogging pants.




Is This some New Hipster Trend?

Tucking your pants into your shoes?

Top was spotted at the airport this morning, bottom was on the subway this afternoon.

I don’t get it? It looks widely uncomfortable, and try-too-hard.