Today I am a MACHINE

No no really… up since 5am, typing eloquence mega fast, phone rings blablaYAbuddy kill it, back to typing, that awesome feeling of being deep in the zone. Bet I wrote 2,500 words today.

And for the majority of the day, I owned Autonet, 3/4 top stories are by me, look:

That’s my Ford 1.0 L review, my Jaguar F-TYPE review, and my news slot about a Volvo ad.

Hi I’m Keri, and I write THE NEWSPAPER.

Okay I’m being arrogant, here, I’ll even it out by showing you where the work came from today…

… the complete grime that is me.

Do you chair-dance too?

That’s what’s happening in this blog header.


I love to dance. Hips hips, arms and hair flip, now shoulders body roll shoulders… I’ve invented entire routines.

Maybe I’ll video that one day. Maybe.

Good I don’t work in a normal office, huh.

The last time I did was over a decade ago, which is probably best for everyone because I used to lose it, every day, around 2pm. So much extra energy from having to sit still for so long, going around trying to fight everyone, which is how I got one of my worst ever concussions.

The guy flipped me up horizontal, I met the concrete floor forehead first, got violently sick then passed out on the office couch.

I woke up in the dark, everyone gone. I mostly deserved it, except the part where this happened on a Friday.

I am happily drowning in content… including: a handful of car reviews, especially the Micra, my hockey goal win that lead to the prize of a lifetime.

And below, is last week when I interviewed the Director of Security at TELUS, and have a ton of posts about that, especially for you small business owners.

kk I cannot type or sit still any longer, I gotta get outta here, de-grime, don a dress, and then I’m off to forage for food and Coronas.

Have a great weekend, TTY Monday.



Car PR Phrases that Make me Laugh

The first thing that happens at any car launch: we sit in a classroom-ish setting, and learn what’s new and happening.

PR people speak this unique language that makes me laugh.

My first exposure to it was during Buick’s 2013 Encore launch, and when they hit “thorax airbag” for the 3rd time, I lost it.

Here’s a few favourites:

– he’s a Conquest Customer

– the co-efficient is a hard one five

– the low-end response is excellent

– the Oscars of engine awards

– pump-less technology

– unexpected advancements (a favourite, because how is this even possible?)