Sorry Guys, it was a Stupid Busy Day

Because I was travelling for most of the week, I had to cram a week into today, as in, running around like ugh.

And drama, which I avoid like the proverbial plague, but oh man, this. THIS.

When my lippyness earns something that’s fine, but I sure didn’t this kick in the teeth. But I’m classy and won’t blog the story, but if you were to ask me in real life, bet I couldn’t stop it from coming out of my eyes.

And my Jaguar review is due tomorrow, so that took precedence. And is maybe my largest and best photo gallery to date, OH that badge. I did not need another addiction.

Jaguar – the car version of old money.


I’ll leave you with this photo, which, remember yesterday when I said I had huge news that deserved its own post? It’s all in this picture.

Thursday night, best night of the week!

