Leave it With Me Guys

Not feeling right today, fell asleep on my desk earlier, and just wrote the same sentence for minutes straight. Been fighting a fever for about a year now, some days it wins more than others, like now.

I think it’s stress. Because the higher I advance in the game, the mores stalkers I accumulate.  I’m currently tracking 7 different streams.

In the past 48 hours:

– my blog has sustained a a brute force attack, and something’s wrong with it now, because when I logged in from my phone it said the database was missing;

– my cel phone account password has been changed (shows who I call, text, uh-huh);

– someone’s trying to lure me into the country via a Craigslist ad.

That’s just the highlight reel, I’ve got 8 years of these stories. 4-star US generals friending me on Skype. A POF account created to my unpublished email, with 25 private messages sent from the same guy. Then, when it bleeds into real life….

Basically, someone(s) has a file with my name on it, and dedicates their time to screwing with my life. And there’s a good chance that someone has embedded themselves into my life as a friend, when they are the polar opposite.

This marks the 1st time I’ve ever blogged about it.

I never say anything, because why, what are you going to do about it? Nothing can be done. Eat the PTSD, move forward. It’s starting to get to me though. Took 8 years though, not bad eh. But I don’t think it’s good for a girl to be this tough.

Shutting it down. Here come the nightmares. Once I woke myself up screaming, “stop triangulating me!” ha, eloquent and precise, even under duress. Night.



Could a Scent Improve your Drive?

Many automakers believe so. Some add proprietary leather scents, others use systems to perfume the cabin.

Read it online at Autonet.

Read it below clockwise.

Favourite line:

Rolls Royce quietly perfumed the interiors of customer’s cars, and afterwards, the customers informed the auto shop that their car was returned “different, and better”.


This is the Mercedes‘ “active perfume system.”

And Ford’s recommended driving smells.

I strongly disagree with Basil.


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