It's 'World Planking Day' Today

Planking kills me. I love internet memes SO much.

Go look at the Facebook group photos, come on, you smirked.

Remember the game you maybe played when you’re a kid, “straight as a board”? It’s like that.

The rules of planking:

1 – lay down in a public place
2 – toes pointed, face expressionless, hands by your sides
3 – take a photo

Last night Casie and I cruised around, planking our hearts out and laughing our faces off.

We discovered planking is good for your core muscles, meeting cute boys, and is far more fun than you think (stop shaking your head at your screen).

Tree plank.

Thanks for the free beer Tyler ;)

So. So. Fun.

Here’s Casie’s post, there’s even better photos over there.

Plank ya later!

Happy Rapture To You!

Can you imagine believing so strongly you’re getting zoomed up to the clouds at 6pm tonight, that you quit your job and sell your stuff?  And there’s millions of them.

But guys – if Jesus is such a great forgiving guy, how could he have it in his heart to be so choosy and opposite?  Dedicate a whole day to judging?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read this CBC article.

Here’s the joke going around the internet, ha:


Probably those people just need a little KeriBlog, and maybe some Nyan cat, have you seen that yet?  Likely no, I probably like internet memes more than you.

You’ll love or hate it, no in-between.

I’m one of those people who has a spring fever, literally. I’m pretty sick.  My fever broke late yesterday, but I’ve been SO dumb for 3 days now. Fevers always do that to me.

What I look like when I’m sick ahahahahahaha:

Just finished this book, my first ever graphic novel.

Queen & Country by Greg Rucka

It stars Tara Chace, an SIS field agent sent worldwide in service of her government, and this series has been touted as a rare look “at the world of international espionage from a real-world perspective seldom seen in the realm of spy fiction” (back cover).

As in, they have no money and it’s not Bond-ish at all.

I really really liked this book.  I’d really really like to play this character in the movie version that’s in development.

Oh before I forget again, I should put the date of today in, for SEO purposes: May 21 2011 Rapture 6pm 18:00

I’m off to celebrate the birthday of one of my oldest friends in Toronto, happy birthday pal!

(that’s an old photo, here’s the original post ;))

Kay I gotta run!

Oh and if I’m wrong about Rapture, Happy Apocalypsing to You!

Here’s how to execute the best exit EVER from an over-turned jeep.

PS – World Planking Day is Wednesday, I can’t wait!  Don’t care that it’s old, it’s still funny.

Hope You Had a Great Weekend, Too

I ditched the city and went offline for 36 hours, it was fantastic.

Look it’s my BFF Suzy driving!

Tech note – left is a Blackberry 9780 photo, right is an iPhone 4.

So odd to be sitting in my passenger seat, the former studio, which I’ve been debating bringing back…

Went to a really fun party, happy birthday beautiful!

Sunday cleaning of course.

See, I wasn’t exaggerating about my candy filled purse, which got dumped into my candy drawer.
