I'm Homeless in 2 Weeks

No dramatics, I literally am.

I gave up my place January 1 when I embarked on my ‘Avoiding Winter 2012 Tour‘.

Guess I should get on finding a place to live, huh. I’m good the week I get back, but only that one week.

The requirements:

  • right downtown
  • no roommates
  • parking a MUST (I’ve got some sweet Fords and Lincolns lined up for my return!)
  • and NEVER a basement apartment.  They’re bad for your head

This was my view for 3 years.

Now that is good for the head.

I could see so much when I’d wake up, and it’d make me go, “work harder, Keri.  Look at all the competition“.

That was in CityPlace. I had a really great place for a really great price, until my landlord sold it last fall. That’s when I gave away everything I own and became a gypsy.

It’s dismal out there, guys.

And the roommates are “charming” and “professional”. Uh-huh.  $800/month sub-terranean room in you’ll share with 3 noisy pigs.

And then the bed bug factor: try to save a couple hundred a month, end up burning your belongings.

If you are ever looking to start a business, rent out furnished apartments for $1,200/month; they don’t exist.

Here’s a couple of my dream places.

Another old bank. As if it’s been empty for so long.

Imagine I popped out of there when you were walking by, hi hi! Nice day isn’t it!

Dream big I say.

Last fall I looked into ‘One King West‘. Beautiful. That’s going to be a setting in my movie one day.

It’s also an old bank. Wouldn’t be my first time living in an old bank.

Oddly, I had the appointment in the morning, and that evening went there to a Stella party.

(if ever you are invited to a Stella party, go; they’re always amazing)

Thought about Etobicoke aka “New Toronto”. That place is really booming. Predicted that in 2010, ha.

Wish I could live in my beloved Cherry Beach.

I’d also like to be a house sitter for rich people. I’d be so good at that. I’m probably cleaner than them, and I won’t use your appliances.

I’ll figure it out, I don’t mind the stress. But this isn’t really stress.

Stress is living in war-torn Rwanda, looking for a bug for dinner.

If you have any ideas or links, please advise.  TTYL!









Things From My Week

My Acura TSX has been performing great, it’s has a hidden speed and zip, very me.

Of course I took it to Cherry Beach, you know I love that place.

Watch this guy front flip over an Acura.


I went to a Lomography party at the Queen Street store.

Lomography is a world-wide big trend happening right now… it’s analogue film photography. Think like in olden times… film, developing the film, view finders….

I really like the “one take one chance” aspect, I built the Canadian Explorer around that premise, but I don’t know about the developing the film part, and remember my rant?  About HD and Tape Editing It really picks up there at the end.

The cold is coming.

Man my hair looks great Brennen, I think this is your best one yet.

I need to clean my stove.

  1. my fanciest USB key, a Swarovski lock. See it in the sidebar on my other blog (soon)
  2. that’s what we’re going to solder when we go learn how to solder next week for Keri On Security
  3. my toothbrush/lipgloss everyday purse bag. It’s NellaBella, you’d like their stuff, made here in Toronto
  4. see that larger here
  5. a Pentium I wear as a pendant
  6. tiniest Big Mac ever
  7. my camera, an Olympus Stylus Tough – you can stand on it, it’s waterproof, 12 Mpx

Outfits from this week.

Outfit from Suzy photoshoot last weekend, which I can’t wait to show you, which I’m still not allowed to, sometime in October she said.

Here’s to a great Monday and start to your week! TTYS xo




Try my Invention ‘Morning Drive’

I invented it 10 years ago. It’s very fun, the many I’ve introduced to it agree.

The rules of ‘Morning Drive’ are:

1 – Soon as your eyes open, it’s out-the-door in 30 seconds

2 – Settle into your car, first stop coffee

3 – That’s it. Go meander. Plot. Concentrate on your surroundings, what’s changed, what’s happening today. Make phone calls, design your day.

Here’s a shot of the satelitte farm.

If you watch TV in the GTA, it likely came through here.

Here’s the route in the video, final destination is Cherry Beach.

Here’s me doing the voice over work, which I neither like, nor am particularly good at.

Try it, you’re gonna love ‘Morning Drive’.



This is 'Morning Drive'

I invented it 10 years ago, it’s called “Morning Drive” and may I recommend you try it, too.

Remember, no going places! It’s not about that… it’s more for meandering and ruminating.

And did that floor you too? Toronto being the 5th largest city in North America?!

Here’s a shot of that satellite farm… if you watch TV in the GTA, it likely came through here.

And here’s the map of the route.

View Morning Drive – Cherry Beach in a larger map

(Song is “More” by Usher)