Things From My Week

My Acura TSX has been performing great, it’s has a hidden speed and zip, very me.

Of course I took it to Cherry Beach, you know I love that place.

Watch this guy front flip over an Acura.


I went to a Lomography party at the Queen Street store.

Lomography is a world-wide big trend happening right now… it’s analogue film photography. Think like in olden times… film, developing the film, view finders….

I really like the “one take one chance” aspect, I built the Canadian Explorer around that premise, but I don’t know about the developing the film part, and remember my rant?  About HD and Tape Editing It really picks up there at the end.

The cold is coming.

Man my hair looks great Brennen, I think this is your best one yet.

I need to clean my stove.

  1. my fanciest USB key, a Swarovski lock. See it in the sidebar on my other blog (soon)
  2. that’s what we’re going to solder when we go learn how to solder next week for Keri On Security
  3. my toothbrush/lipgloss everyday purse bag. It’s NellaBella, you’d like their stuff, made here in Toronto
  4. see that larger here
  5. a Pentium I wear as a pendant
  6. tiniest Big Mac ever
  7. my camera, an Olympus Stylus Tough – you can stand on it, it’s waterproof, 12 Mpx

Outfits from this week.

Outfit from Suzy photoshoot last weekend, which I can’t wait to show you, which I’m still not allowed to, sometime in October she said.

Here’s to a great Monday and start to your week! TTYS xo




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