Spent the Weekend Rebuilding Things

Regularily, my stuff gets so melted, I have to wipe and start fresh.

That’s what I did this weekend.

(that should say ’10 oops)

That was a good one, that crash. See my hard-drive in intensive care under the arrow, separated from its casing bottom left?


– that’s what your laptop hard drive looks like

– that’s an anti-static bag, to protect the drive from electric discharges

– top right photo sums up my luck – that’s 15 minutes into having booted the new machine for the first time.  Looks like the ribbon needs tightening, shows up on the camera too.

That’s better than this alternative though.

Did the same thing to my phone, too.

When was the last time you cleaned yours? Organized your files, delete or update applications, you’d be shocked at how it feels after, how it reacts (like new).

Bottom right – see that?  Allow Facebook to go in and take copies of my Contact list, and then let them send stuff back?  Give Facebook editing power over my Calendar :|.  I hope you don’t do this.

Here’s the old desktop, for those of you who switched to Lion and miss it.

I uploaded it at best quality, click on through.

Some of my tools.

I have a burn in my shoulder from mousing so much, and I got into the zone a couple times during this where I was typing like 75 wpm with 95% accuracy BOOM.

Then I went for ice cream.


I'm Wearing My Hair Curly Now

@ItsBrownBarbie styled me up on the weekend. While she did this, I was building a new website, ha.

She’s using this new style of curling iron, see how there’s no clamp? Looks like an object of torture, don’t like it.

But I do quite like the results.

I Went on URL Shopping Spree

I bought 20!!

I’ve been keeping a list for a few years, and an eye on whom to register with.

I like Hover for several reasons… they’re since 1999, they’re 100% Canadian, and when I call for help someone picks up in downtown Toronto. If you’re lucky, Mike picks up (he looks like this).

Starting at $15/year, privacy included!, and their interface is slick and easy.


Kay, ready for what I bought??

I made them into a beautiful Wordle…

There’s more not listed here, but that’s another Wordle for another time.

Full Disclosure – You bet I got a great deal, how else could I get so many? Thanks, Hover!

(this is the internet in an image)


I've Been Car-less For 2 Weeks Now

Here lies the studio beneath my buddies cel tower. Not putting a RIP anywhere, not giving up hope.

Two weeks ago the horn started going off by itself. Like, three times a minute. I’d drive past people with both hands in the air, smiling while it honked at them.

Halfway to my destination it started to stutter, and I could see the electricity arcing under the steering wheel.

Swapped some fuses around, and broke one with my knife, which is normally used to open the glovebox.  It’s all class around here.  The passenger windows don’t go down, which really highlights the exhaust leak.

Much as I like adventure, this happening is no longer funny.  Plus I’m out of tows.

When I do get new car, I’d consider another VW.  I was ridiculously hard on this thing, and it always performed.  The heater is still really hot.  And the ergonomics, ahhhhh yes to those.

CAA to the rescue.

If you’re driving without CAA, I’m shaking my head at you right now.

The average tow costs minimum $100, annual membership isn’t much more than that, and I’ve never met a CAA driver I didn’t like. And I’ve met many.

Then Suzy came and rescued me roadside, complete with a hot homemade meal.

My bff is better than your bff.

This is the longest I’ve been without a car in 10+ years.

Le sigh.