I've Been Car-less For 2 Weeks Now

Here lies the studio beneath my buddies cel tower. Not putting a RIP anywhere, not giving up hope.

Two weeks ago the horn started going off by itself. Like, three times a minute. I’d drive past people with both hands in the air, smiling while it honked at them.

Halfway to my destination it started to stutter, and I could see the electricity arcing under the steering wheel.

Swapped some fuses around, and broke one with my knife, which is normally used to open the glovebox.  It’s all class around here.  The passenger windows don’t go down, which really highlights the exhaust leak.

Much as I like adventure, this happening is no longer funny.  Plus I’m out of tows.

When I do get new car, I’d consider another VW.  I was ridiculously hard on this thing, and it always performed.  The heater is still really hot.  And the ergonomics, ahhhhh yes to those.

CAA to the rescue.

If you’re driving without CAA, I’m shaking my head at you right now.

The average tow costs minimum $100, annual membership isn’t much more than that, and I’ve never met a CAA driver I didn’t like. And I’ve met many.

Then Suzy came and rescued me roadside, complete with a hot homemade meal.

My bff is better than your bff.

This is the longest I’ve been without a car in 10+ years.

Le sigh.


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