Expanded my URL Collection

I don’t collect anything, never have.  In fact, I’m currently in super-purge-mode, I’ll show you later this week.

URLs though, that’s a weakness.  I now have 40!


Come ON how good is that top one?! So good I almost didn’t tell you about it.

I’ve been at this for years.  I keep a list on my phone.  Sometimes when I want to zone out, I sit running seraches, see if they’re available

This is what I bought last time.


A big thanks for Hover for enabling my borderline obsession.

$15/year, privacy included, which is a good deal. Plus when you call, someone in downtown Toronto picks up. Hopefully for you Mike picks up. This is Mike. Ha, hi Mike!  It’s still funny :|


Things From My Week

My Acura TSX has been performing great, it’s has a hidden speed and zip, very me.

Of course I took it to Cherry Beach, you know I love that place.

Watch this guy front flip over an Acura.


I went to a Lomography party at the Queen Street store.

Lomography is a world-wide big trend happening right now… it’s analogue film photography. Think like in olden times… film, developing the film, view finders….

I really like the “one take one chance” aspect, I built the Canadian Explorer around that premise, but I don’t know about the developing the film part, and remember my rant?  About HD and Tape Editing It really picks up there at the end.

The cold is coming.

Man my hair looks great Brennen, I think this is your best one yet.

I need to clean my stove.

  1. my fanciest USB key, a Swarovski lock. See it in the sidebar on my other blog (soon)
  2. that’s what we’re going to solder when we go learn how to solder next week for Keri On Security
  3. my toothbrush/lipgloss everyday purse bag. It’s NellaBella, you’d like their stuff, made here in Toronto
  4. see that larger here
  5. a Pentium I wear as a pendant
  6. tiniest Big Mac ever
  7. my camera, an Olympus Stylus Tough – you can stand on it, it’s waterproof, 12 Mpx

Outfits from this week.

Outfit from Suzy photoshoot last weekend, which I can’t wait to show you, which I’m still not allowed to, sometime in October she said.

Here’s to a great Monday and start to your week! TTYS xo




Spent the Weekend Rebuilding Things

Regularily, my stuff gets so melted, I have to wipe and start fresh.

That’s what I did this weekend.

(that should say ’10 oops)

That was a good one, that crash. See my hard-drive in intensive care under the arrow, separated from its casing bottom left?


– that’s what your laptop hard drive looks like

– that’s an anti-static bag, to protect the drive from electric discharges

– top right photo sums up my luck – that’s 15 minutes into having booted the new machine for the first time.  Looks like the ribbon needs tightening, shows up on the camera too.

That’s better than this alternative though.

Did the same thing to my phone, too.

When was the last time you cleaned yours? Organized your files, delete or update applications, you’d be shocked at how it feels after, how it reacts (like new).

Bottom right – see that?  Allow Facebook to go in and take copies of my Contact list, and then let them send stuff back?  Give Facebook editing power over my Calendar :|.  I hope you don’t do this.

Here’s the old desktop, for those of you who switched to Lion and miss it.

I uploaded it at best quality, click on through.

Some of my tools.

I have a burn in my shoulder from mousing so much, and I got into the zone a couple times during this where I was typing like 75 wpm with 95% accuracy BOOM.

Then I went for ice cream.


I Went on URL Shopping Spree

I bought 20!!

I’ve been keeping a list for a few years, and an eye on whom to register with.

I like Hover for several reasons… they’re since 1999, they’re 100% Canadian, and when I call for help someone picks up in downtown Toronto. If you’re lucky, Mike picks up (he looks like this).

Starting at $15/year, privacy included!, and their interface is slick and easy.


Kay, ready for what I bought??

I made them into a beautiful Wordle…

There’s more not listed here, but that’s another Wordle for another time.

Full Disclosure – You bet I got a great deal, how else could I get so many? Thanks, Hover!

(this is the internet in an image)


Sit Up Straighter

I noticed this yesterday, look.

See how my green strap is showing only on the left side?

My dress slides left, because my entire self is crooked. Not being dramatic. Actually am down-playing it.

It’s from being bent over my laptop for years, probably more time than a human should be. This may sound familiar to you.

So here’s our reminder for better posture!

Did you just gain 3 inches in height from sitting up better? I did.

But by the time I hit ‘publish’ on this post, it’ll be back to a ball, hand over my mouth in concentration, so bad.