I'll Always Love Playing Pool

Played the other night.

See how straight I’m lined up?  That’s good form.  Years of gymnastics pays off in the strangest ways.

I should film my token chalking-the-cue move, it’s overly-dramatic.

This is how d-bags rest their cues.

I’ll re-embed my jump shot video, this is my 2nd-ever KeriBlog video.

After the intense-ness of Canadian Explorer, this felt wrong to post, and took me staring at the upload button for 20 minutes: it’s only 8 seconds long… took only 9 minutes to edit and render… this feels really wrong.

Here’s an older post about pool, some of my likes.

Hey I should make a ‘Pool’ catagory here on KeriBlog….. and done.

Just Some Things

Did you have a great weekend, too?  Hope so.

As I said in a video last week, I’m making sure to fit in as much fun as humanely possible before the conclusion of Summer ’11, which is this week.

Your time is your only non-renewable resource, remember that.

I spent most of Sunday afternoon like this. Daydreaming, plotting, thinking.

Do you do that, too? It’s important.

This is me last week.

Note the Bluetooth headset.  But bet I get more done than you.

Check out the top screenshot, BOOM BOOM.

You know the ads that appear on YouTube videos? That’s a program you have to be invited into, and that there is my invitation.

The bottom two screenshots are a video upload in progress (note the minutes OMG) and then what I did to it. Ugh to me.

Been compliling another video.

I realize it sounds dry and boring, it won’t be.

Kay I’m off to dinner with a BFF, TTYT



Indy Day 2

It was bumper cars today at the 25th Honda Indy.

Dario Franchitti smashed his way to his 3rd Toronto Indy win, congratulations! Will Power is upset. Read about it here.

The weather was perfect, fighter jets overhead, it was a fantastic weekend, thanks again, Honda!

This is the first video I’ve uploaded to Google+

Add me     gplus.to/KeriBlog

Under the bleachers on the way out.

Here’s the editing file….. did you think there’d be that many cuts?? Exactly.  Smirk.

Here’s to a good and productive start to your week!!

Now THAT was a Canada Day Weekend

My first one off since 3 years! I’ve worked them all because… I was The Canadian Explorer.

And not gonna lie, the lack of pressure this weekend was fantastic.  I used to explain it like – this is likely how Santa feels on the 25th.

This weekend I did very Canadian things… I went to a BBQ, drank beer and laughed my guts out, watched the fireworks, spent time out of a city in nature, designed my weekend around traffic times, and put my feet up Sunday night on my porch.

Speaking of traffic, get THIS – I heard the traffic Sunday night into Toronto was backed up to…. Napanee O M G (that’s 200km-ish).

Did you know our Coat of Arms has a unicorn?! A UNICORN!

That’s our motto at the bottom, in Latin: A mari usque ad mare – From Sea to Sea

Of course I own one of these.

And lots of things like this:

I went to Ottawa in 2008.

A decade before I was also in Ottawa for Canada Day.

I’d borrowed this guy’s bike to get downtown, but he’d lost his bike lock key, and I had to drag it through the dense crowds.

So if you had your shins taken out by a pedal around this time, that would’ve been me and sorry about that.

To be clear, Episode #80 is … still undone.  Oh I know.  Guarenteed it bugs me more than it bugs you, it’s like this lead ball that hangs back left over my head always.  But.  It’s just……

I’ve sat down one thousand times to edit it, and I physically cannot. It’s my swan song.  It’s summing up 3 years of my life into 8 minutes.  It’s re-editing footage I’ve already spent tens of hours looking at.

I could use an editing helper.  I have it completely storyboarded, look.  My website needs a serious overhaul too, it’s just… to properly close up my show is a couple hundred hours I don’t have right now, it’s so daunting when I think about it.

Leave it with me, it WILL get done.  And I have a little celebration party coming together in my head for when it’s done, and you’re invited.

Viva las KeriCDN and The Canadian Explorer!

Watch a Ford Focus Park Itself

Tuesday Ford invited me to test drive their 2012 Ford Focus for a day via a car rally.

They partnered us each up, that’s my awesome cohort Ryan Durrell in brown.

(photo by Morsel Photography Hi Jerry! Look I stole more of your photos!)

The day kicked off with Ford saying, “here, go run our car through that slalem course, hard as you can”. Oh reallllly?!?! I got this.

I made that thing fly, and below is me standing on the brakes, and tada, cones are prefectly intact. I told them I was surprised how well it took the corners. Torque vectoring FTW.

Remember that time I did advanced driving school? Exploring a Race Car (video)

Each team was given an iPod Touch to film their experiences, and then Ford handed us our footage from the day on a USB key.  So sorry for the poor audio.

Have you ever edited iPod or iPhone footage?  Ugh.  All that tall footage is tough to work with. And I don’t get it, why wouldn’t Final Cut talk better with .movs? Anyway.

How many horse power? Would you like a cupcake?

I learned that a horse is 14.3 hands high, anything smaller is considered a pony.

We stopped by the Canadian Car Museum , so many nice cars.  I will never call them whips :|

Here’s Lauren and I, ha.

Interesting fact – the Focus is 85% of each pound of material used to build the car is recycled material.

Then I gave a little lecture.

Thanks for a great day, Ford!

If you ever need me to test another car on a track, I can do that!

All. Day. Long.