Search Results for: casie

The Mustang’s 50th Anniversary Party

If ever you’re invited to a Ford party say yes, they’re always classy affairs.

Ran into Casie, hi Casie! We built our blogs together, and she consistently has one of most interesting Twitter feeds – @CasieStewart.

What do you think of the Mustang, Keri?

The growl is the best part, and I wonder if Ford has that engine note on patent lockdown, because wouldn’t all manufactures copy it?

That’s what I said.

Look for that on Motoring TV.



The World Starts Up Again Today

Everyone’s back to work, school, normal.  

I milked the holidays right to the end: jogging pants and quiet; mainlining garbage TV online; too much food and drink; long drives for no reason except I like driving. More of this.

A New Year Planetary Update – we kicked off 2014 with a new moon on the 1st, then on January 3rd there was a meteor shower, the Quadrantids – 1 of the 3 richest showers of the year.

Below are a few photos, but there’s not much to report so far this year.  So far.  This is going to be a big year, I can tell… I’m about to get a big dose of ‘careful what you wish for’. Can’t wait.

Here’s to a strong start to your new year!

xo Keri


One of the last photos of my ponytail. Ponywhisp.

Started to use Facebook more, friend me.

I pick up a minivan today.

I went to 3 different places, they all looked like this.

It’s probably because of this blog tag – jogging pants.

BFF hang.

Ahh Casie xo

We built our blogs together. Are you following her? You ought to –

Got my file structure in order for the near year.  It included this annual blog event, ‘Make a new Picasa Photo Folder Using the New Year’.

Seems meaningless, but as a professional documenter, it was, a moment.

Now to do this.




A Fantastic Canadian Cottage Night

Daydreamed a night just like this, all summer.

Finished work Saturday and closed my laptop for a minute. Picked up a 2014 Mazda MX-5 AKA Miata, for the trip north.

Fun drive north to the windy-roads of the Muskokas, here’s the car post.


Oh Canada.

Even got to go on a boat ride.

Great day bled into great night.

Back in town to work Monday, to get a head start on the week.

Hope you had a good long weekend, summer’s over now, time to work.



I Was So Quiet this Weekend

It was a very low-key weekend, didn’t go do or talk much.

I’m so glad the internet is moving more and more to 9-5.  The pressure to be sharing and publishing 24/7 is a weird thing, ask a blogger; it can feel like a lead cape.

Been thinking and visualizing a lot about my new assistant.
How if I had one, you’d have known sooner
about important things, such as…

… how I went to the casino on Friday night.

(I love casinos. ‘Wheel of Fortune’ slots is 1/2 of my favouirte games.
‘Jacks or Better’ video poker is the other; best odds in the house)

Or that I’d attended a great Canadian Club party the night before that.

You remember Casie far right, hey you xo! Couch soon.

(photo credit: Ryan Emberley)

If I had blog help, you’d have known that I was driving a Hyundai Accent last week.

And that my Saturday night looked pretty typical of many of my Saturday nights.

You’d have known that I’d done my bi-annual buy last week.  My shopping method is solid both in execution, and value; click here.

Nice crisp new jacket eh… I’ll show you it better in another post.

Becoming so professional, me.

I also dug around in a box under my bed this weekend, and hauled out spring clothes.

Might have that shortened.

And if I had an assistant, I’d have been able to show you this beautiful sight sooner… don’t you want to smash them so bad?

They make the most beautiful sound when they smash.

If ever you’d like to get me a frivolous gift, click here.

A blog helper.

I’m excited, ready, and going to kickstart the search this week.