These Passwords seem Pointless

Spotted in an American airport.

So very predictable.

Why go to all the trouble and cost to print this – on good card stock at that – but why not add a little effort and create proper logins & passwords?  And print only monthly? I wouldn’t connect to this network.

Remember, airport WiFi is the most dangerous network in the world.

Airport WiFi looks like this – here

It’s the most dangerous network in the world – here

Which is why I don’t use it – here




A Quick Way to Defeat a Padlock

The Attack

Forget breaching the lock.

Instead, remove the plate and loop the lock is attached to.

The Defence

Install the plates and loops on the inside of the doors.

Same thinking as to why the hinges on your home’s exterior doors are located inside your house, or should be.




Writing a Country Song about Phishing

My neighbour and I started writing a country song last night.

A video posted by Keri Blog (@keriblog) on

I had a virus, now nobody emails me” 

Brian: I used to talk on email all the time, but then I got a virus
Keri: what did it do?
Him: told everyone I thought they were fat
Me: snort
Him: I told them it was a virus, but no one believed it and stopped talking to me
Me: (this happens

Ahh Thursday night, best night of the week. Bet I jacknifed 4 times, got invited to a party and was even drunk dialled, my favourite.

(why it’s the best night, and blog tag = #ThursdayNight)