Your Screen can be Seen from Far Away

Like the 2nd floor of a mall.

What about using using a real camera, instead of a phone?

And know how, while typing, the letters get larger?

The Attack

HD video camera > zoom > record > play it back slowly > get password

The Defence

Back to the wall when entering passwords, and look up first, everyone forgets to look up.



Watch Out for the Window Reflection

Windows act like giant mirrors at night.

You can’t tell by this photo, but his screen was crystal clear.  I went along on his digital camera shopping trip during my Happy Meal.

Then the most Canadian thing happened.

He left his gear, and went outside to smoke, he’s the *

(although I love the Canadian-ness above, leaving your laptop unattended is a terrible idea. Even if you think you’re close enough to react in time, you’re not.)