I Have the Biggest Blog Block

Part of it is the time of year, the gray season, that’s trackable on here for years, but also…  you might say, ‘Keri doesn’t talk online a lot, Twitter and FB etc’, but for me, this is a lot of talking. In real life, I’m pretty quiet.  Like, ‘make it through entire dinner parties without speaking’ quiet.  And sometimes I just don’t feel like talking, let alone so publicly.   Yes I realize the dichotomy of having a blog and being like that. Gave up years ago trying to figure out why, then 200 videos & thousands of posts later, still don’t know.

It’ll pass, it always does.  There’ll be a 5th Anniversary blog party next year.

And I have so much going on, and have been run down and exhausted keeping up; this last quiet week has been good for me.  I look better too, puffed back out less haggard.  I wish they taught time management in school.

My Autonet articles have been fun lately, click here to read them.

Lastly, although I haven’t blogged much recently, I’ve still been documenting.  That is hard to turn off.  Not sure I’d want to.

Here’s some recent photos.

Thanks for always checking in. Appreciate it more than you probably realize.


Shots like the one make me miss having a huge header at the top of my blog.

Going to bring it back when I re-build KeriBlog. Which, remember when I shut down everything to do that?  Way too ambitious, couldn’t be done, it’s a bigger project than I anticapated.  It’s making me insane and invading my dreams.  Plus my phone is freezing, my computer is on shaky ground, it’s all a mess and adding to the blog block.

This week’s flowers. And top 3 favourite smells.

Thinking this would make a killer night-out outfit: cream mini-dress, ridiculous platforms, small chain purse worn crossways, lots of ghetto gold.

New profile pic.

Got some members for some strangers families.

Note the despondent dramatics, by how I’m about to blog a fortune cookie message I got.

Been using Android more and more. I get why people love it.

Have a Blackberry 10 review coming up (short answer – it’s solid).

That’s that’s it for now the end.



What it Looks Like when I Kill It

You know when you’ve been hunched over your laptop, headphones jammed in, deeply focused…

… then it all falls into place, and you got it to work?

I just did that.

Nooo, I can’t do magic.

Hit publish.



Blogging in Action

Hand over mouth, always.

Talking to myself, smashing the keys, horrible posture, probably chewing gum.

You could stand beside me yelling, and I wouldn’t hear you over my concentration.



Take Your Profile Pic 1 Hour Before Sunset

I like my current one, but summer is over. It’s the serious months of the year now (Sept – Nov), and you should be able to see my eyes.

So yesterday I made a new one, here’s how to make a nice one, too.

Re-read blog post title.  That’s because sunlight is most beautiful then, the “magic or golden hour”.

Think when choosing your setting, people will zoom into the background. I chose a conference room, and all the gear I need to produce and publish this video blog, is on the table behind me. Nice touch I thought.

Push your shoulders down and back, otherwise you have no neck:

Chin way out, like a turtle.

If you feel awkward and uncomfortable,

you’re doing it right.

Looks dumb IRL = looks great on screen.

Too close, need more perspective.

Notice I slightly stretched the photo out lengthwise?  Classic Hollywood trick: every human looks better stretched.

Humans don’t look their best straight-on.

Turn your cheek slightly left or right, about 30 degrees.  I’d recommend left, studies show most humans’ left side is prettier.  I’m not making this up.

Hold the camera at 45 degrees.

Look directly into the lens.  There is a huge difference on screen, if you look even the tinniest bit not in the centre.

Not so blankly this time.

(shoulders should be square to the camera (I forgot this step) (these are my real eyes, not contacts)).

Got it.  Not done yet.

Resize it into a square. Then filter it.

My latest favourite app is Picfx: automatically makes it a square (good for Instagram), and there’s 100 filters. Below took minutes.

Top right: don’t blow it out like that, everyone knows that trick and what you’re trying to do.

Now upload it to the 5 major sites social networking sites you use, your sidebar, I am not doing this again till November.