Hi Guys!

I’ve been really busy all over the place the last 2 days, hang tight, there’s a burst of blog posts coming later tomorrow, lots of photos of fun things!

I spent yesterday at the Canadian Telecom Summit – let’s talk spectrum! 700mHz is all the rage.

Earlier today I was in a beautiful room at the TIFF Lightbox, thanks Dermaglow!  It was great to meet you.

There’s a bunch more fun stuff I forget right now. Three more things tonight! TTYT, until then xo

It’s the Game Myst, IRL

Do you remember the computer game Myst?

It was a big deal game… oh wait wait…. it was a game changer ahahaha.

But it was, it propelled CD-ROM sales. It also really got under my skin, and remains to this day one of the few games I’ve bothered to complete.

Technically this is a water treatment plant… that washes half of Toronto’s water daily!

Did you know Toronto’s tap water is some of the best in the world? Vancouver’s is really good too.

This weekend was Doors Open Toronto, and this is the RC Harris Water Treatment Plant.

It’s neeeever open to the public (or blog girls with big smiles) … that’s why I went. Along with the whole city; parking took forEVER.

Designed in 1929 and opened in 1941, it’s applauded as Toronto’s “supreme masterwork of Art Deco building”. So beautiful, eh?!

This place is special, I’m telling you.  Go for a walk there if you ever can.

I’ve blogged about this place many times, and I filmed the episode Exploring Canadian Blogging here.

And this other time I filmed myself skipping around here in a tutu, ha.

The First Big Mac Virus Has Arrived

Are you on a Mac computer?  This is for you.

We Apple users have enjoyed relatively safe surfing for so long, so why now?

It’s been written that once Apple reached a 16% marketshare, only then would the financial payoff be worth the time to target Macs.

There are many different kinds of attacks (a post for another time)… this one is “scareware“… it shocks you into thinking there’s a virus on your computer, so you download the program to get rid of it, except the program is actually the virus.

The scam is running under 5 different names: MacDefender / MacGuard / MacKeeper / MacProtector / MacSecurity.

The popup windows look like this:

How do you protect yourself?

Don’t download it.

Pretty obvious huh.  Pretty crazy that people actually fall for this.

Remember – if you didn’t go searching for it, do not accept any downloads.

If You Already Downloaded It

Apple has put out an official statement on how to deal with MacDefender… click here.

They’ll be soon releasing a OS X update to search and destroy any MacDefender that may be on your hard drive.

Future Steps to Protect your Computer

You can be sure there’s way more where this came from, and much more sophisticated, too.

If you would like a Mac anti-virus program, go with Kapersky, they’re world-class.

In your browser preferences turn off “automatically open downloaded files”.

Watch my Change your Passwords video below and follow my instructions.

Be wise, it’s a big internet out there!

xo Keri

I Took Some Heat for my Sick Photos

The ones in 3 posts back, click here, in them I’m sick with a fever. I’ve always thought they’re funnier pics like that, why always take yourself so serious?

But I do have things and stuff coming up where I suppose I should polish things up around here.

So I’m evening it out with some nice photos.

But for the record, I will always prefer photos like this.

And here’s this link to when I morphed into Butters from South Park.