I Love #hohoTO, I Go Every Year

If you are on Twitter and live in Southern Ontario, come!

It’s the holiday season’s classiest event, and it raises money for an important cause: feeding hungry Toronto people, because charity starts at home.

(photo by hyfen)

Founded in 2008, HoHoTO has been called, “the party that Twitter built”, it’s closing in on $200 000 raised for the Daily Food Bank, and is run completely by volunteers on a budget of nothing.

Queen Rania of Jordan has even used HoHoTO as a shining example of social media influencing online do-gooding.  So cool eh.

Here’s my Twitvid from last year inside the party, which is dark, but you can just feel the fun.

Come ready to buy raffle tickets and donate heavily, make sure to have your photo taken by Photojunkie, cabs home you know the drill, and don’t be shy… this is always the kind of crowd who’ve all been in that boat…. “hi, I know you from Twitter and the internet…”, say hi!

Me last year:


follow along on Twitter @hohoTO

Thursday December 15, 8pm

at The Mod Club

benefiting the Daily Food Bank

Here’s a relational chart I made using the search “hohoTO”, for fun.

(click on it to zoom, get more info, drag stuff you’ll figure it out)

See you Thursday!

A Good Haircut Grows Out Well

That’s how you know your hairdresser has given you a quality cut.

This is 4 weeks old and still symmetrical.

(these are stills from my Volkswagen Art Heist video)

He’s been my hair guy for years, and he never says anything about me doing things like this to his creations:

Hey. It’s a look :/

Appreciate it Brennen, and I made you into an animated gif as thanks ha.


Brennen Demelo Studio
416 301 1072
316 Adelaide St. West