Just a Minute – What Video Editing Looks Like

It’s really coming along, and I cannot WAIT to show you this one… some of my best work yet.

Here’s the other part of what video editing looks like… a LOT of files:

My computer’s Finders keep crashing (both in the last 10 hours).

Below is the Final Cut file for the above video, ha.

You know when that happens… when like, everything accidentally lines up perfectly, your fingers freeze over the keys, you slowly go Command-S, back away from the keyboard, hands over head.

My Gift Idea to You

Wouldn’t it be fun to get this in the mail? I don’t know about you, but mostly I get boring bills.

I’ve always loved mail. When I was little I invented a game called “Mail” and made my brother to play it with me.

Below are the photos in the video.

If you would like to mail me something, I’d love that so much! Here’s my physical address.

The stick photo is by Suzy Lamont, my BFF and go-to professional photographer.  I think she should be yours, too.

Been Buying in Bulk

Something I never do.  I don’t understood Costco and the appeal; they treat you like a criminal on the way out.

Left to right:

That is THE best chapstick ever.  Discontinued in Canada years ago and I’ve been searching ever since.  At the dollar store I saw one, “woah, got any more?”, and bought out their stock.

Those USB keys are 4GBs and very cheap.  I have a LOT of files to move around in February, that’s part of the preparation.

And those are… banana clips.  Remember them?  Doesn’t my ponytail look amazingly big I KNOW.
