Things from the Last Week

I liked this outfit.

Extreme paperwork project complete.

So it was ‘National Sadness Day’ this week huh. I’ve blogged how I feel about that before, click here.

This is the latest song I’m OCDing out to. Anything of mine you’re read in the last 3 weeks, has been to this.

I was supposed to be leaving Monday for a week in the Arctic, to drive a Mercedes Sprinter van from Anchorage Alaska to Edmonton, Alberta.

I was booked into the 3rd leg, which unfortunately was cancelled. Mercedes kindly offered to have me join the first leg, but I wasn’t able to rearrange my schedule. It looks like a great time, follow along on #SprinterArcticDrive

Outdoor fun.

Where next week’s column started from #ThatsGoodMultiTasking

Didn’t today feel… off? Like, the entire world had a collective stress stroke.

Spent a lot of time on my laptop.

A lot.

I feel depleted, not bad, but wiped.

Flash on flash off.



Bye Toronto, I’m Gone Again Till the Spring

Airport early this morning.

I unlocked the “Jet Setter” badge on Foursquare today, golf claps.  I should be more on this, I’ve been to 8 different airports already this week.

Here’s my account if you’d like to friend me.

Obligatory window shot.

There’s something you never seen – me with headphones on.

Bought my first song ever song on my iPhone: Skrillex, “Bangarang”.

It’s playing over and over… I am OCDing out.

Remember when I predicted he’d be big? And then he won 3 Grammys the other week?

Yes to me.

I can’t say for the city, I’ve never been, but their airport is quite nice.

Kay one more flight and I’m back in the sun on my “Avoiding Winter 2012 Tour”.

I’ll be here in the south till mid-April, when Canada warms up again.

TTYL I’ve got a function to attended tonight when I arrive



I Love to Sew

Have since I’m very young, single digits young.

Gotta work out what to do with the sleeves.  I think the shoes on the right are more correct.

I also enjoying quilting, look:

That stitching is quite intricate, and gold, so beautiful. And just to say it, that’s a difficult pattern.

It’s made out of handkerchiefs, and NEVER again don’t do it; the material is too thin and very tough to work with.  Click here to find out why the photo of said quilt is so bad, and here to meet Andy, who I gave it quilt to.  Ahhhh the benefits of having had a blog forever, that last link is from 2008!

Oh wait!  Just had a great idea… I’m gonna go grab some embed code, one sec…

Kay – here’s the video that’s playing in the above photo…. so meta.

I recently lost my miiiiind over this song. It’s Skrillex and I’ve been OCDing out.

The break at 0:40, listen to at least that, because when have I ever blogged about music? Only once before.