What Happens When a Scooter Tips Over

The morning after.

That won’t just buff out; the side panel will likely have to be replaced, and that bottom piece. Possibly some structural damage, too. And this is a Vespa, so that won’t be cheap.

Not so free parking anymore, huh.

(free sidewalk parking, in the city, for scooters under 50 CCs)



Friday Night Catchup Hi Hi

Sorry for missing the last update here.

It was a lot of in-real-life stuff this week, the stuff that keeps the online part going (except email, so much email).  It’s a tough balance sometimes, between – making the life happen, and blogging about it.  I’m at the point where I’m genuinely ready for an assistant.  But I don’t yet make enough to pay someone, and I don’t like free, so sigh.

There’s so much to do here at KeriBlog,   Like, the 2 most basic funtions of a website, search and comments, don’t work here.  How bad is that, SO bad. This entire site needs to be rebuilt, I don’t know how to find the time, do I shut it down for a week and do it?  My stomach physically hurts sometimes about it #That’sBlogging.  I have the theme picked out, and a skeleton built, but porting it over is serious and ugh kay I’m done, thanks.

Now I’ll embed a bunch of photos from this week, no time to format.  I’ll catch you up this weekend, I have two articles to finish first.

Have a great Friday night!

xo Keri


PS – this is my latest ” OCDing Out To” song.  Anything I’ve written in the past week, has been to this on repeat.



Going to a Detail Shop? Do This

Tips and tricks for taking your car to a detail shop.

(read it online)

Favourite lines:

Remove the weird stuff you’re hiding in your trunk from whomever.

You’d be surprised at how many people keep weapons in their vehicle’s gloveboxes (remember that, next time your road rage out on another driver).

A toothbrush for the vents in the dash.

A micro-fibre cloth dusts the interior, no chemicals needed.

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