Real Olympic Gold Medals

It’s Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, the Canadian Olympic Gold winning ice dancers, hi guys! Congratulations on killing it at the games and more recently, the Worlds.

They were really nice, and even better looking in person.

Their winning performance:

Body Shop was also nice to host this, thank you!  They launched a new product, “Body Butter Duos” and sent me home with some, the Sweet Pea being my favourite.

One side for normal skin, the other for very dry, smells good and light, like, not too perfumey, which is good because I am so sensitive to smells.  90% of the time I hold my breath when I open someone’s fridge.

This is the second time I’ve been lucky enough to hold a Gold, remember when I was in Whistler last year and found snowboarder Maelle Ricker?

It’s Parking Lot Fair Time!

I love this time of year, I’ve never had a bad time at one of these, and I’ve been to a LOT.

The scrappiness of it, that’s what I love. It appears out of nowhere overnight, all these games and lights and sounds and cotton candy, come on! Also, the people watching is outstanding.

Here’s still one of my all-time favourite of my videos, Exploring a Fair:



Let's Talk About 'The Canadian Explorer'

If we are just meeting you may not know that I had an internet show for 3 years and 80 episodes called The Canadian Explorer.

I believe Canada is THE best country to live in but, not since the 70s have we had a nationalistic fervour, so I set to celebrate Canada in effort to change that, and it was awesome.

I was CBC’s inaugural made-for-web show, got up to some hijinx, and worked my way up to an accredited journalist for Canada’s largest independent broadcaster when they shipped me out to the Olympics to cover them for Sun Media and

Then I realized I got as far as one girl can on her own (I did everything myself… shoot, edit, produce, and I’m all self-taught) and decided to shut it all down on a high note.

And that’s where Episode 80 comes in.

It’s a highlight reel episode I’m in the midst of editing, summing up three years of my life into one video.  And not gonna lie, I’m finding it tough.

It’s a lot to squish into 8 minutes eh, your past three years.  Plus it’s an end, which is never easy.  Every single day all for all that time all I thought about was this project, everything I did furthered it.  I have over 15 000 hours in it yup.

For example – see all this Canada stuff:

In the past I would have collected a few items, some for further episodes, some for thank you gifts for ones I’d filmed, some for a random Canadian fact I could use to blog about.

I know SO much about Canada… you know what I was thinking would be fun?

To get together with a tour bus company and have them drive me around while I yell facts from the top of their double decker bus.  Of course I would make a video, “Keri’s Canadian Tour of Toronto”.

Because I am a great Toronto tour guide.

Anyway, here’s what editing Episode 80 looks like, and click here to see more screenshots of what editing looks like, it’s neat.

PS – here’s the Google result for “the canadian explorer” AHAHAHAHA ha.

Exploring Whistler Village

I’ve been editing the last Canadian Explorer episode and came across the below episode.

My time at the Olympics was all in fast forward, especially this day.

I filmed three videos, all on zero sleep (Irish House, the party place of the Games and directly across the street from my Vancouver home.  I never again want to hear “I will walk 500 miles”).

I blogged, made videos, posted them, and never really looked back until now.  I quite like this video.

Note: I had to embed it from the Sun Media site because…. omg this is bad… it’s not uploaded to my own YouTube channel.  So bad.

I blogged recently about the mess that is my online everything.  I’ll clean it up, soon soon.

And now, Exploring Whistler Village:

A Gold Medal!  YES Maelle Ricker.