New Business Cards and Keri On Security

New business cards this week YA buddy.

The two in the dresses are by Suzy Lamont Photography, from that time we did the photoshoot at Trenton Air Base.

Actually, I’ll re-embed the video of that, one sec…….

(here and here are the original posts about the shoot)

I always document when I get new business cards, click here and here to see old ones, and here to read a story about when I made my first set ever.

These are my nicest ones yet, stiffest stock to date.  I’m going to work my way up to ones with such stiff card stock it hurts your hand to fold it.

They’re from the UPS Store on Front Street… you want to speak with Dino, and ask Elisa to do your graphics.

My other show, go here: Keri On Security – Smarten Up, Internet

Too late no turning back now, I’m equally as excited as I am treading cautiously.  

I’ll explain why tomorrow, I’ve got to get ready for the Diet Coke TIFF party now, which I’ve heard will be huge.




Last Chance to go to the CNE

Look how much fun you can have.

CNE Website


It’s the oldest fair in North America come ON.

And if THAT video about a fair doesn’t get you pumped, this one surely will…

Canadian Explorer Episode #4 – Exploring a Fair

This was the first episode I genuienly liked, because, this was at the 3 month mark, and by then I’d learned enough about Final Cut to make it how it looked in my head.

Editing aside – this thing was all in .mov and every time I moved even one pixel, I had to render o.m.g.

I'll Always Love Playing Pool

Played the other night.

See how straight I’m lined up?  That’s good form.  Years of gymnastics pays off in the strangest ways.

I should film my token chalking-the-cue move, it’s overly-dramatic.

This is how d-bags rest their cues.

I’ll re-embed my jump shot video, this is my 2nd-ever KeriBlog video.

After the intense-ness of Canadian Explorer, this felt wrong to post, and took me staring at the upload button for 20 minutes: it’s only 8 seconds long… took only 9 minutes to edit and render… this feels really wrong.

Here’s an older post about pool, some of my likes.

Hey I should make a ‘Pool’ catagory here on KeriBlog….. and done.

Remember the Olympics? Van2010

Last week, South Korea was awarded the Games in 2018. Good luck to them.

Let’s take a look back at ours last year. Many of these photos you’ve not seen, I’ll throw in a couple episodes, too.

The photo text is true; there’s almost no point to posting that photo. H U G E.

‘Irish House’ was out my window, where I lived.

Right in the middle of everything. Irish House was THE place, not being dramatic. They were collecting noise violation fines before the Games even started.

We’d hear ‘I Would Walk 500 Miles’, and ‘Small Town Girl’, three times a night minimum. Fortunately, by day 10 neither Mary or I could hear it anymore… that thing that humans have kicked in and tuned it out.  Like the people who live beside train tracks.

Mary and me.

We’re at a club, my editor gave me tickets and said, take the night off.

Thanks to Mary is why my Olympics was as great as it was. I went out there, without a place to stay (no really – there was talk at my newspaper of some empty moved-out apartment, I had a towel with me, just figured I’d wing it all).

Mary offered her couch, I crashed onto it three days into the Games, then never left.

I thanked her by leaving a bunch of swag hidden around her house, including a cowbell in her freezer. Which she recently moved to her freezer … 5 provinces away, see it here.

I had this great morning routine going by the end… wake up, walk down to my coffee spot, pick up a paper along the way, read my article and eat a gingersnap cookie, back home and get online, and start working.

I was there representing and, in addition to producing videos, I wrote for Vancouver 24 Hours.  Read them all here.  Third largest newspaper in BC!

“Social Keri”; I had not input there.

That backpack, my mobile studio – 22 pounds.

I was the only person at the paper, left to her own devices, not tasked with a story. Instead, I was expected to chase down and produce my own. Proud of that.

I met Carol Huynh on the Alberta Train. She’s our first ever Gold Medalist for Women’s Wrestling (2008).  Click here for her podium moment when our anthem plays, very cute.

I don’t remember this photo being taken… at this point, I’ve been awake for 36 hours, filmed and produced two videos, and was en route to film a third.

This is Exploring Whistler Village, shot that day, I really like this episode.

I squished so much into three weeks, I didn’t stop.

There’s so many stories and behind-the-scenes stuff I could tell you, cue up another video series.

I’ll leave you with this: the spirit I went into this all with.

This was taken right downtown, after the men won a hockey game.

And here’s me, taken minutes after the above (my camera is on a garbage can).

It’s from this episode, What Happened After Our Hockey Win





It’s Indy Weekend

Honda kindly gave me VIP tickets for both days this year, oh ya let’s DO this.

I live downtown and love the deafening noise, l o v e it.  So in this vein, here’s an old episode from my ‘Canadian Explorer’ show:

Ep 27/80 Exploring a Race Car June 2009

Best. Thumbnail. EVER.

How anti-climactic there’s no actual footage of me racing, eh. It poured the whole day, my camera is not waterproof. Also, note 0:50 ;)

THE best part of the day, but not on video though, was when I spun out.

The track is covered in oil, the rain makes it slippery, and as I rounded a corner the car just started doing a 360 by itself.

Downshift, caught it, completed the 360 and kept driving. Started screaming with pride and joy. My natural reaction is fist pump, forgot the cabin is so tiny, smashed my fist straight up into the metal lip.

kk I’m off to the INDY! TTYL