Change Your Yahoo Password Right Now

Yahoo! had a major security breach yesterday.  

An estimated 450,000 passwords were stolen.  

The passwords were stored on Yahoo!’s servers in plaintext, meaning, not encrypted, could have been kept safer.  Expect Yahoo! to take some heat for that, which is good, because doing that is dumb.

Some outlets are reporting 100,000+ Gmail, 50,000+ Hotmail accounts, and more were part of the stolen data.  Others are saying the accounts are old, only 5% are in use.

Sucuri Labs has created a way to check if your email was affected, click here.

I recommend you change your password regardless;

it’s doubtful we’re getting the whole story.

Remember too, Flickr and Yahoo are the same thing.

Further reading:





It’s Saturday, How’s That for a Blog Post Title

I was so sick of everything yesterday, that’s why I was quiet.

I’m sick of: traffic dictating my schedule, my ever buzzing phone, how time goes faster in a big city, how no matter how much time I invest here it’s not enough because I’m physically just one girl and can’t afford an assistant and I don’t like free/intern so I’m on a plateau that is killing me, and post another photo of yourself.

What kicked it over yesterday afternoon was the entitled street kid.  Nope, gave my money to the drooling guy with the broken mind, and your shoes are giving you away Mr. Rosedale.

I can’t watch that bus monitor video that went around the internet this week.  Can’t.  Old people are my cryptonite.  Entitled youth ranks very high on my have-a-short-fuse-for list, too.  Bad combo, that video.

Did you know it was a Canadian (from Toronto) who is behind the fundraising campaign?  Half a million raised since Tuesday.  That’s really amazing, that much that fast.

Fresh flower day. Good deal, eh.

Honda video editing.

Here I am recording the voice over.  Dramatically.

The black thing is my microphone, which creeps into the frame when using the forward-facing camera, which is a problem indeed.

Learned this, interesting.

Vegas held that title for a long time, then Dubai, now, CANADA.

Went to Kensington market. No, really.

That’s Yara playing the piano, you’ve met her before. My oldest girlfriend. Which is what it takes to get me to Kensington market (note: for those not living in Toronto, Kensington is like, hippie HQ).

Strangely, this is where they were playing.

It’s strange because, see the arrow? That’s the only other place in Kensington I’ve been.

Google that exact phrase to see the place, first search result. I’m not linking it up for a reason, and have hidden the text in a photo so the bots can’t find it, oh many I have so many tricks like that to share with you over on Smarten Up, Internet.

More proof Thursday night is the best night of the week.

All right, the end.

Today I polish my Honda post, which is my best video in a while.

Here’s to a great start to your weekend, have a great Saturday!



Things From My Weekend

New gear day!!

Arrived in the mail.  I ordered it in Atlanta, and it was shipped from Atlanta. That is ironic.

Hello mobile studio.

Here I am fixing my ponytail before filming.

Used this to practice on the new Final Cut, which, the more I use the more I dislike it.  I’m not alone; video editors all over are unimpressed.  Too much forcing you to do stuff you don’t want to do.

I made a one-minute video about the story behind my first security advice post, click here.

Then I wandered around an Asian grocery store, and grabbed some photos for

Would you like an eel?

Tried on some wigs.

I’d like a short brown bob wig. I have an angle on one in Toronto. Gotta make it tougher for the stalkers when I return.

Tried out a new iPhone app – Photoshop Express. It’s good, it’s free, and I’ll likely buy I couple upgrades for it (they have a great collection of frames which will make my blog beautiful).

See?! Freemium works.

Day drive.

Night walk.

DigiSo dinner meeting Saturday night.

Flew out Sunday at 6am. It’s the last leg of my “Avoiding Winter 2012 Tour”. Boo.

Hi from Tennessee! This music mecca is really wasted on me, since I don’t listen to music.

See those two bottom left? They saluted me when we passed one another. I like where people’s heads are at here :|

Gotta run and change over my laundry, TTYL.




Failed Footage from Thursday

I’d set out to film the welcome video for my security show, at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens.

Too much went wrong to use any of the footage.  Hello I’m headless.

So many shots like that. I had to use my Flip Camera (RIP Flip), which doesn’t have a screen to see.

I also came out covered in shadows.

This shot’s audio is full of strangers walking by loudly.

This shot accidentally worked out.

What a waste of good curls.

I did though, take some of the footage used it to learn the new FinalCut Pro, which is a big enough deal I decided to give it it’s own post.

Have a great Sunday and long weekend!



New Destination Reached Hi from WV

Drove and drove and 500 miles 9 hours and dull.

So many easy jokes about this town’s name.

Unpacked and plugged back in.

Always use a surge-protected power bar.

Don’t plug $000s into the wall without protection.

Then I cleaned out my fannypack. Even lint rollered the inside.

I’ll let you peek inside.

I have internet again oh thank you oh man the last two weeks were tough.

Have much to catch you up on, my security show is slowly kicking off – Smarten Up, Internet, my food blog will launch later this week, and how did Easter arrive so fast this year??