Did You Know the Planets Aligned?

I’m not being dramatic like, “ooooo the planets must’ve aligned, Billy, you’re on time”.

They physcially actually did.

In May 2011, six of them lined up, visible from Earth with a naked eye, look:

(image via BestSyndication.net)

Do you even know how rare this is?

For most of May they stayed in line along the path the sun travels each day.

Why is this so interesting?

Because this planet configuration was predicted by the Mayans to occur… December 21 2012.

Yup, the infamous 2012 theory.  Astronomers say no such alignment will occur next year.

Basically the Mayans were 19 months off in their calculations, but when considering they did them thousands of years ago, I’d call that pretty close.

Think this news is all fringe, and maybe you’re rolling your eyes?  Time Magazine wrote about it.

I’ll leave you with this:

My 2012 PredictionThought Controlled Computing Begins (Declared Feb 1 2011)

PS – Want more proof I’m not alone? InterXon, the world’s leader in thought-controlled computing (and a Canadian company), is a headline keynote at Canada’s largest media conference this week, the Banff World Media Festival.


Hope You Had a Great Weekend, Too

Friday night game! Hooow great does the top of this blog post look.

I accidentally end up here at least once a year.

This is the Jay’s star player, Marc Rzepczynski.

I’ve never stayed longer than 4 innings.

Yes it’s busy, but our feet need these, so much stomping.

Oh get THIS!

Stella Artois asked, “want a shot at hosting a party for 200 of your pals downtown?”. YA I do!

I’ll let you know in a post tomorrow what we have to make happen, but really, if anywhere a party for such thing should happen, it’s right downtown.

Facebook Stella Artois

First time I’ve ironed in a year and half.

It’s nice to not have to drive, sometimes.

Took a break from the internet, my phone… I hope you do that, too.  It’s important to disconnect.

Peel back the plastic and go inside.

The outfit far right I’ll wear again.

Note my fanny pack in the middle; here’s an old blog post – why I like fanny packs.

Left is a joke between Casie and I.

And here’s Casie and I at dinner last week.

For mostly my files: I had the nearest thing you can get to a perfect weekend.

Here’s to a great Monday and start to your week!! TTYT Keri xo

This Is More For Me Than You

Very exciting to me.

This is from when I had an epiphany Wednesday June 8 on my balcony. You know when it all just clicks and a million hours of ruminating snap together?  Fist pumped a couple times.

This is more for me than you; I’m documenting.

Blurred for OPSEC.

It’s no good if the internet has the same epiphany.

I Took Some Heat for my Sick Photos

The ones in 3 posts back, click here, in them I’m sick with a fever. I’ve always thought they’re funnier pics like that, why always take yourself so serious?

But I do have things and stuff coming up where I suppose I should polish things up around here.

So I’m evening it out with some nice photos.

But for the record, I will always prefer photos like this.

And here’s this link to when I morphed into Butters from South Park.