Hand over mouth, always.
Talking to myself, smashing the keys, horrible posture, probably chewing gum.
You could stand beside me yelling, and I wouldn’t hear you over my concentration.
Went for a 3am walk.
Sat thinking under this bridge for a while. A long while.
This is how I think deeply.
Hand over mouth always. Have blogged this before.
Checked into #SITClub – Sleepless In Toronto Club.
Went back to my room, did some math. 81 days left I can be out-of-country.
It’s time to come home.
Thursday night I’d had it, that familiar feeling of GAH.
So Friday I packed a bag, walked down to the closet car rental spot (I’m still without wheels) and said, hi one car please.
Ended up with a Jeep. Won’t be buying a Jeep.
If you need a car though, go here and see Bedi, he’s awesome. It was his last vehicle, which he scrambled to get me, because as he said, “I want you to be able to walk down like this and know you’ll get a car”.
I got in and drove it all over.
I took tons of photos, here’s one.
That’s it for now, because I invented a Keri On Security episode using them, so I’ll post them in a couple weeks.
Great city to return home to.
I decompressed using:
My Summer’11 routine…I walk down to the water, see the yellow arrow? I tuck in behind there (you can’t see me from the path), and I make a sushi picnic.
Walked home and settled back into my plotting.
I’ll explain more via video next week what you’re looking at, basically it’s my masterplan for my two shows, and I was deeeep into it.
So I’m flipping between excitedly Sharpie-ing up calendars and spreadsheets, to very still, deep, concentration.
Like my nomenclature? Haha, I kill me sometimes.
And that’s how I didn’t notice the extreme storm coming in through my balcony door.
It’s almost okay today. That thing is old, a decade anyway. It’s the first ever Chameleon couch with wheels. They sell them with that option now, and that was allll me.
Can’t wait to start sharing my ideas with you, this security blog of mine, oh man, wait till you see. Haven’t been this excited in a while.
I noticed this yesterday, look.
See how my green strap is showing only on the left side?
My dress slides left, because my entire self is crooked. Not being dramatic. Actually am down-playing it.
It’s from being bent over my laptop for years, probably more time than a human should be. This may sound familiar to you.
So here’s our reminder for better posture!
Did you just gain 3 inches in height from sitting up better? I did.
But by the time I hit ‘publish’ on this post, it’ll be back to a ball, hand over my mouth in concentration, so bad.