Why Canada's the Best

Summed up in one photo I took this summer.

An un-manned beer delivery truck, on a Friday afternoon, in the core downtown of a Top 5 largest North American city… just sitting there not getting a second glance.

Plus, look how beautiful.

Just a Minute – The UAV off my Balcony

I wonder, eh.

Below is what a UAV looks like.  That’s a Draganflyer X6, a popular model with the Forces, the Police and with enough cash you or I could buy one… $20,000-ish.

Click here for a video of the thing flying around and its perspective.  And get THIS: they’re Canadian!  Right out of Saskatchewan, nice.

Of course I want one. Imagine me walking down the street with that flying just behind me?? I KNOW.

(all images are from DraganFly.com)

Photos of the Sky

Isn’t that a great thing to see in the sky?

If you need a little image for a little something special, this might be nice.

I’ve heard that when you see an X in the sky it’s because the weather is being controlled, that’s why the Beijing Olympics had consistently beautiful weather.

It’s possible, ions and all that, a little Tesla magic, kinda neat to think about for a second.

Not as much sky here, but this is where I think the most valuable residential real estate will be in a few years, Lakeshore in Etobicoke.