Hi Hi from Atlanta GA

On the road again, here we go.

I can pack for a week in 20 minutes.

It helps that almost everything I own is black.

Double rainbow.

Wait – I wonder if there is meaning behind seeing one… hang on I’ll look it up…:

Double rainbow – a symbol of transformation. Considered very auspicious should you see one. A sign from the universe something great is about to fall in my lap.

Driving driving boring straight driving.

I miss driving standard.

Flowers on the trees make a blog pretty.

IMPORTANT: I barely have internet, and looks like it’ll be that way all week. Sorry in advance. Really need a cel phone sponsor.



It Was a Lovely Morning Drive

Morning Drive is a little invention of mine.

A Watch a 1 minute video explanation here.

This is going on my Hippie blog, I have THE best line for the title.

A regular Southern States little town.  I’ve visited tons during my ‘Avoiding Winter 2012‘ tour.

Note the art deco (red building).  It’s sprinkled in all these tiny towns, interesting eh.

None of it is open today, Sunday. None.

Winter is officially over.

Unless winter comes back one more time… if that happens – disaster; the trees have already bud.

Do the photos I post ever seem void of information?

Hiding a message in a photo so Google wouldn’t crawl it sounds clever.

Would it be weird to hide a message in one photo of one post for one person.

All things we’ll talk about on Smarten Up, Internet.

Yes, I am wearing the same outfit as yesterday.

#SundayCleaning time! Both to do and tweet, I dominate that hashtag.

I'm Flush with Internet Again

Home again home again, jiggety jig.

I love airports, a lot.

Have a post drafted here titled, “I Love Aiports”. I even have a whole category here dedicated to them.

I do the exact same thing upon arriving at my new location: unpack and install myself into my new home.

  1. I only own socks that look like that
  2. I collect hotel room keys for a Smarten Up, Internet video; you’re going to be surprised at the information on them
  3. Been expanding my cutlery collection
  4. Those 12 year old bags have travelled around the globe a few times. I love Tumi.

A travel-tips-video-mini-series has been playing in my head, maybe I’ll make it. Because I need _more_ to edit :|

Travel tip: leave your place clean so when you return it’s a smooth installation.

Hi from West Virginia, I’m here for a bit.

(note: the fastest way to ever find me is on Twitter: @KeriBlog)

I have 80% reliable internet connection for the foreseeable future, which I consider amazing. 100% connectivity on the road is tough.

It’s never that lucky though, it’s me.

My iPhone lost it’s mind yesterday, look at my lock screens yesterday.

I couldn’t even answer the phone. I’m hoping I can wipe a bunch of information to give it more room to think, but think I may have to wipe and rebuild the whole thing. So again, instead of editing I’m debugging.

I’ll be back-blogging the last 4 days so get ready to scroll.









A Classic Southern State Flea Market

What will I see, what will I find.

Wait wait…… wait.

Really?  People still think like this?

I thought this only happened in the movies.

Outside was amazing, it can only get better inside.

YA it did.

Oh man this is the best, what could possibly be around the corner…

Ugh, Beanie Babies: what a scam that was.

An electronics hut, now we’re talking.

And that’s where I made a new friend, and I’m excited to blog his creation on one of my new blogs, ThisIsMyHack.com.

Broom handle holds up digital antenna

Flea markets are the best… the stuff, the people, the people watching, and I got some new socks.