Maximum Minimal Living

Friday morning I left home to attend a VW test event. It concluded at 1:30pm, and I had no plans after that, and all my deadlines were done. So I flitted around, from couch to couch, no master plan, and didn’t return home until late last night.

I lived for 3 days with just this:

Message is: you need much less than you think.

It’s easy as long as you’re a little prepared (toothbrush and small essentials are always kept in my glovebox), and have an imagination for solving mundane chores. It’s so refreshing to live like this. Try it.



Shutting Down till Monday

All’s okay, just overloaded with work, am out-of-country next week, and feeling a little burned out.  Haven’t yet missed a day updating this year, so now we know – I can make it half a year like that.  Second half I think I’ll schedule in a few more long-weekends, look at me learning.

Have a great weekend xo



I Sneak Away from Parties Always

sneaking away party animated

To go sit quietly, by myself.

I’m not anxious about socializing or speaking to people,
I just run out of things to say.

I speak so little in real life, my default is silent. I can make it entire dinners without speaking. One time, I didn’t talk to anyone for 5 days.

So a party or event is a lot of talking for me. This blog is a ton of talking.

This is a known. Here’s the email that came with an exclusive PR invite last month.

Remember that recent weekend I spent at the track? Apparently there was a bet going on, to see how long I’d last, before having to leave to be alone.

I’ve got it down to a science… don a cloak of invisibility…

… and I’m gone.



How ‘Security Responsible’ are You?

TELUS has released their 6th annual study of Canadian business security practices.

The report focuses on which best practices businesses have in place, that go beyond just compliance (as in, the bare minimum forced on you by the government.)

Ideally, your business is in the quadrant with the *.

How does your small business compare?  Take this test to find out.

Give yourself a score between 0-7 (0 being terrible, 7 being excellent), then compare how you operate to other Canadian businesses.

Do you…

1 – monitor and/or have rigorous procedures to act on new threat information

2 – understand the security drivers impacting your business

3 – conduct regular security awareness training for employees

4 – involve security early and throughout the development of new infrastructure/systems

5 – communicate social media policies to their employees

6 – have and/or execute on a comprehensive mobile security strategy

7 – conduct enterprise mobility security testing and Threat Risk Assessments (TRA)

Now compare:

The more “security responsible” companies have: less breaches, retain staff longer, better managed risk, and are positioned better to take new risks (side-note from me: they have better business karma, because accepting a credit card and being careless and lazy about it is terrible.)

And ideally, you have ongoing employee training sessions, because the human is always the weakest link.


This is an excerpt from my interview with Hernan Barros, Directory of Security Solutions at TELUS, and Walid Hejazi, Associate Professor, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, about their new study, the 2014 TELUS-Rotman IT Security Study.

The study is in its 6th year, and TELUS remains the country’s only telecom to proactively study security, and this is the only Canadian study this in-depth on a single country.

How it was conducted: 400+ security professionals were surveyed in the 2nd half of 2013, looking for both qualitative and quantitative data on how companies are executing their security strategies. Respondants were Private 48%, Government 23%, Publicly Traded 20%, and Non-profit 9%.

Blog tag = TELUS Security