Fast 3rd Day Rally Update

Started off rocky, we were in last place, 10/10.

But we clawed back up to tie for 5th overall!

AND I drove the ‘Tail of the Dragon’.

That is a fortunate thing to be able to type. And it was AAAAAMAZING. 318 curves in 11 miles, in the rain at that. Attacked.

Really really great day. Really really wiped.

Another 12 hours on the road, got so lost, hours worth of lost, then dinner, and now I’m finishing up my story for the paper tomorrow, and my column is due tomorrow as well.

Hence the coles-notes version for now, and will catch you this weekend on the final day. I fly out at 7am tomorrow.

Here’s where this post came from, in my new goggles.

And David made me put the top down, and exposed me to the orb.