He was behind me, so I pulled alongside and waited to see what happened.
Out of frame is a red nose on the grill, same result.
You’ve probably seen the ‘sneak previews’ of the prizes.
I haven’t yet shown you the grand prize; Best Buy really came through on that one.
There’s more on the way, too; I’m still taking delivery of stuff!
Filmed a video all about it last night.
Even got the footage into Final Cut, before I collapsed at 6am.
I even have an original soundtrack for the video, thanks Hrvoje!
So with all that, and as I said I would launch the Extravaganza today, I officially welcome you to…
Enter your email to win!
As soon as I finish setting up MailChimp, and trouble-shooting why contests@KeriBlog isn’t connecting, and edit the video, and link up all the prizes in a blog post, and take delivery of the remaining prizes, then photograph them, then we’re ready to go!
Everything should be done by tomorrow. I’m taking my Grandma to her Christmas party in Mississauga tonight, then back home to hunch over my laptop.
(Please don’t send this post around, wait till I finish the proper one)
Really excited to properly launch this contest, excited to give back to you, because thanks for always checking in here.
xo Keri
EVERYthing is brought in by truck, it’s the only vehicle that will fit inside a downtown core… truckers are the glue keeping things moving.
Santa is a trucker.
Never pull out in front of one and brake, it’s terrifying for the driver, a truck’s stopping distance is massive.
100% of everything has been transported by a trucker. So why are we passenger vehicles so impatient with them?
Back to ‘Keri on Driving’ – Index
The blue sticky on the wall lists the last 3 items to pick up.
Two colours of tissue paper from the dollar store wraps everything. I set it up like an assembly line.
Christmas conquered.
I’m not being dramatic. I’ll show up empty handed to your Christmas party and not feel bad about it.
But I can’t escape it completely. Family only. If we’re not direct blood, like if you’re not my brother, you’re out; nothing personal.
I add up the receipts every year and compare my total against the mean average.
I still spent $313 this year on 4 people.
* I had trouble finding this stat; if you have a better source leave it in the comments, seems way too low
Cool graph of how much countries spend on average here.
When that was done, I sat down to unbox this crazy nice new gear come ON.
When I relented 2 years ago and acknowledged I needed a real camera, not just blog with my phone, I bought an Olympus Tough: waterproof, smash proof, you can stand on it it won’t break, Keri-proof.
Olympus then heard about my trip and kitted me OUT, upgraded my Tough camera and added their new PEN, sweet eh, and it’s RED, check out all the possible accessories here.
I’ve never had a lens before… my first lens!
Took this during purging, this is my toolbox. There’s practically nothing you can’t do with needle nose pliers.
Here’s the video I’m referring to in the above video, it’s one from my ‘Just a Minute’ series.
Night, ttyt.